Giyuu x Reader

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Lush green trees rustled softly and a beautiful blue stream cut through the earth.  The summer air carried the sweet, humid scent of flowers and various wild plants.  Sunlight and shadows danced along the ground in sync with the trees movement.  The sky was a brilliant blue with soft clouds drifting aimlessly along the breeze. 

We walked alongside the river's edge in shared silence.  He was a few steps ahead as always with his body tense in concentration despite the mellow setting.  It's been clear that he's been more stressed lately.  As much as I try not to notice or draw attention to his behavior I am aware that he's been changing.  I decide yet again not to say anything.  What is there to say? 

Even after these few but precious years of closeness and mutual trust it still feels as if most goes unsaid and most times I'm fine with it.  However, there are times where all I want is for him to tell me how he truly feels, tell me what he's actually thinking or what he wants from me.  My mood slowly starts to take a turn towards disheartenment. 

It shouldn't bother me as much as it does.  I should be used to moments like these where it feels as if I've made no progress at all and it wouldn't matter to him whether I was still by his side or not.  Thoughts and worries plague my mind and I find myself speeding up not wanting to fall behind without him.  A strong feeling grips my chest as I decide to speak up. 

"Giyuu?"  He stops abruptly as if forgetting I was there with him.  He turns towards me and I instantly regret getting his undivided attention in my state of vulnerability.  His bright blue eyes lock with mine stirring a mix of emotions within me.  He doesn't say anything but waits for me to continue except I no longer want to.  He raises a brow in questioning before I hastily add my lame excuse for the interruption. 

"Could we maybe rest for a bit?"  His expression stays flat as unnecessary panic settles into my brain making me spiral. 

"It's just that we've been walking all day and if we're going to stay up all night we should relax a bit before continuing on.  We don't have to of course, I'm not that tired but I figured maybe you were or that we could cool off in the stream or not or just..." I trailed off in embarrassment.  Uncomfortable silence stretched between us as I nervously fiddled with my sword hilt strapped to my waist.  Giyuu took a second to ponder the request before giving a quick nod.  The tension in my body didn't release and neither did his as I shuffled closer to the water and lowered myself on the bank. 

I took a deep inhale of air attempting to calm myself as I listened to the soothing sounds of the river and the rustling of the leaves.  I didn't bother looking to see Giyuu.  A part of me was annoyed with his lack of responses. 

Minutes passed and the tension and worry in my body slowly dissipated.  I gazed around at the scenery.  It truly was pleasant, the perfect summer day despite my embarrassing rant earlier. 

Before long I felt my eyes start to feel heavy as I laid back against the soft sand of the riverside.  My mind slowed and I began to drift off to sleep.


I awoke to someone gently shaking my shoulder.  My eyes slowly opened and once my brain fully woke up I sat myself upright rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

Once the blurriness cleared I focused on the figure crouching in front of me.  Blue eyes locked onto mine.  I looked back expectantly waiting for some sort of order to begin moving again.  I didn't anticipate to nap and I had surely thrown off our schedule.  Instead he just kept staring.  I was too tired to deal with this and stood up brushing off my uniform before securing my sword while waiting. 

He cleared his throat uncertainly causing me to look back to him.  Whatever he was wishing to say seemed to take a lot out of him. 

"I'm sorry," he muttered looking at the ground now.  My eyebrows shot up in shock.  I must've misheard but the expression he wore was real enough.  He looked so regretful as he refused to make eye contact. 

"What are you talking about?" I questioned in confusion.  Sure I was a little annoyed earlier but a full on bashful apology is not what I expected.  He readjusted his stance before dragging his gaze to me.  He inhaled deeply, souring his expression.

"For everything."  I inhaled sharply as he gazed apathetically at me.  He showed no concern or any clues to what he was truly feeling or meaning. 

Now this wasn't fair.  He did not get to make me feel this way and then apologize for it.  He did not get to take back our every interaction, our every moment spent together, our whole strange partnership and reduce it to nothing but a mistake to apologize for. 

Anger and confusion swirled around inside my mind.  Was he sorry for me or for himself?  Did he regret ever meeting me?  He must've noticed my mood change as he spun around and continued along the path. 

Annoyance and confusion guided me as I had no time to think before I found myself grabbing the back of his robes to stop him.  He let out a sigh before turning back towards me.  Before I could gain back rational thinking my hands shoved forward causing Giyuu to stumble backwards and land into the shallow side of the river. 

Water splashed onto my robes but I was in too much shock to care.  Instant regret surged through me as Giyuu came up spitting water.  He looked up at me wide eyed and I found that my bottled up concerns, emotions and insecurities were about to spill with just the betrayed look he gave me. 

I fought the tears, I wasn't about to cry for pushing someone, for standing my ground, but I was hurt and I realized that I have been hurting for a while now.  For how long, I didn't know.  Perhaps it was when he first started ignoring me, when I no longer seemed to hold any value for him, when I seemed to be invisible.  Maybe it started when I first met him, when my emotions led me to believe there was a chance.  Perhaps even before I met him.  But here and now I was finally cracking. 

Tears slowly slid down my face despite my attempts.  I let out shaky breaths and my body trembled, my brain chastising me for my lack of masculinity in the moment.  I turned away from him trying to shield my vulnerable self as if I could hide everything I was in that moment, nothing but a broken boy. 

Seconds passed agonizingly slow.  I needed to go.  I needed to run, to hide and break apart in peace.  Over the sound of my thoughts I didn't hear Giyuu rising from the water and making his way over to me before I felt wet material slide around my body.  He pulled my body back to his chest as I began to gasp gently in sad attempts to regain control of my breathing.  He slowly pulled me in tighter till he rested his head on mine. 

I couldn't tell how much time had passed before I finally had calmed down.  Giyuu had lowered us to sit on the ground facing the setting sun.  The last rays of sunshine cast a burning orange glow through the trees.  I sighed in defeat, moving closer to Giyuu's body.  He tensed slightly before relaxing again. 

He hadn't said a single word and even though that was initially the problem, the silence felt better in this moment.  I don't know exactly what this moment is but being pressed against Giyuu, watching the sun set and the warmth on my body made me feel at ease, a feeling I haven't had the chance to enjoy in a long while. 

Giyuu dropped his head onto the back of my neck making me flinch.  His breath tickled my skin leaving goosebumps.  Arms wound tighter around my chest. 

"I'm sorry..." he began before I snapped around glaring at him.  He pulled me in again pressing our chests against each other, silencing my response. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't do better."  He looked down at me.  "I don't feel sorry for this though," he whispered gently. 

My body relaxed completely in his arms as a small smile made its way to my face.  To my surprise and satisfaction he managed a small smile as well.

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