Sanemi x Reader

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Thanks @ItsKaiden for the request!

"I swear to god I'm going to fucking...".  Sanemi snarled, muttering all sorts of obscenities to himself as he swung his sword.  He had assumed he was alone in his own training area but another watched from nearby, tilting his head in confusion at every insult and curse that flew from his lover's mouth like bullets.  It wasn't until he stepped forward to make himself known that Sanemi realized he wasn't alone. 
"What does all that mean?" Y/n asked curiously, making Sanemi flinch in surprise.  The wind hashira spun around to face his companion with wide eyes.  He hadn't expected y/n to be around, much less hear him and now he wasn't sure what to say.  It had to be anything but the truth though as he looked at his shimmering eyes. 
When they had first met, no one thought the two would even get along.  Sanemi was loud, ruthless and known to say many colorful insults while y/n was sweet, kind and wholly innocent towards many of the more scandalous things in life.  They didn't expect y/n to be drawn to the wind hashira, calling him brave and strong.  The only thing he didn't understand was everytime Sanemi let out an accidental profanity.  The wind hashira refused to explain it to him each time, wanting to preserve his eventual lover's innocence for as long as possible. 
Sanemi couldn't help letting a few words slip though every now and again around y/n.  Each time y/n would ask him to explain it but the wind hashira would find a way to dodge each question.  He was going to run out of excuses one day or someone else would explain it.  Y/n wouldn't be kept in the dark forever with only a matter of time until he found out for himself. 
"Don't worry about it.  Just don't repeat it," Sanemi muttered, turning away from y/n to sheath his sword.  He figured he'd end his training now so he could at least try to run if y/n started asking more questions.  Y/n didn't plan on letting him go easily this time though as he wrapped his hand around Sanemi's wrist to keep him close. 
"Why won't you tell me?  I'm tired of you ignoring my questions.  I'm not a child," he pouted, looking into Sanemi's eyes with disappointment.  The wind hashira felt a bit of guilt but his strong desire to stay quiet overwhelmed his remorse.  Y/n could tell Sanemi wasn't going to answer him...again.  He was fed up with it as he frowned angrily, turning away from his lover.


After that day y/n actively began to avoid Sanemi at all times.  He'd run away or mutter an excuse that he couldn't stay.  Most of the time he sulked over his forced ignorance.  All he wanted was answers but no one was willing to give it to him and it angered him to no end.  It was like a joke that everyone else understood but he was still waiting for the punchline as everyone else laughed.  He felt excluded. 
"Y/n!  Are you home?" Sanemi shouted out at his lover's estate.  He'd become fed up with y/n's behavior, needing to find him and try to work this out.  There was only so much he'd be able to handle without his lover by his side to ease his mind.  He didn't want to lose y/n over something as silly as this. 
"Nope, I'm heading out.  I might not be back till later," y/n called out from another room.  Sanemi frowned as he barged through the house, not willing to let him get away again.  He'd hold his lover down this time if it made him stay.  Whatever it took to talk to him, Sanemi was ready to do. 
He turned a corner in the hallway, bumping into y/n accidentally.  The boy looked at him with a sulky expression that showed he wasn't over Sanemi's refusal yet.  The wind hashira captured y/n's wrists in his hands with a firm grip that guaranteed no escape this time.  Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as he tried to yank his hands away without any luck. 
"Why are you avoiding me?  I've missed you these past few days and I've been trying to find you but you always run.  Just tell me what the fuck is wrong," Sanemi urged, biting his tongue at his slip up.  Y/n glared back, something he usually didn't do.  He wasn't amused with Sanemi's mistake especially considering it was one of the very same words his lover refused to explain to him. 
"You're always saying these words that I don't understand and you tell me not to repeat but you don't tell me what they mean or why they're bad or even why you use them all the time.  It makes me feel stupid and I'm not stupid," y/n frowned, trembling slightly.  Sanemi sighed, knowing this day would come.  He hadn't even considered what his lack of an explanation would do to y/n and now he felt that familiar guilt swirling in his chest again. 
"The things I say sometimes aren't the nicest.  Certain phrases I use shouldn't really be said at all but sometimes they slip out because I'm upset.  I don't want to explain these things because I don't want you realizing what horrible concepts they represent," Sanemi explained with a small frown, his fingers rubbing the soft skin on y/n's wrists. 
A moment of silence passed as Sanemi held his breath in anticipation of his lover's reaction.  He didn't want to explain what every profanity he's ever said meant but he would if it meant y/n wouldn't be angry with him anymore or feel hurt.  He hadn't expected the laughter that filled the air as y/n chuckled merrily.  A small smile crossed his own face at the sound. 
"Was that really all it was?  I thought you all were keeping something fun away from me.  Sanemi, why didn't you say you were protecting me sooner?" y/n giggled, wrapping his surprised lover in his arms.  In truth y/n was still a bit irritated that it took so long for him to get any sort of explanation but he did find it relieving that it wasn't as exclusionary as he originally thought.  Sanemi was beyond relieved as he held y/n tight to him, both of them promising to communicate better in their shared futures.

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