Sanemi x Reader

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Thanks @Vendoni for the request!

There was nothing greater than finding your match. Whether that be romantically, platonically, physically or merely someone you found that you clicked with in different ways. I was convinced that Sanemi and I had that click based on moments like these. Perhaps it was a symbol of other connections between us yet to be made.

"What the fuck was that move for?!" Sanemi shouted out from his spot on the ground. His sword was heavy in my hand, my other fingers wrapped around the hilt of my own blade with a victorious smile wide on my face. He looked just too cute from this angle, his eyes narrowed with anger and disbelief. There wasn't anything more I found enjoyable than besting him at his own strength.

"Aw, c'mon and lighten up! You're such a sore loser, gorgeous," I smiled. His frown turned to a bashful pout, a light blush crawling across his scarred face. He took a moment to collect himself on the ground before he shot to his feet, eyes not meeting mine as he held out his hand. He flicked his wrist to urge me for his sword that I only held behind me with a mischievous smirk.

"Give me my sword asshole. I'm not going to say it twice," he grumbled bitterly. A gentle breeze washed over me as if it was a threat made by the wind hashira himself. I only watched his soft hair wave slightly as the cool wind moved past him, making him look far more gorgeous if that was even possible. In my awe, I had to snap myself out of my lingering thoughts with a shake of my head.

"How about you try to get it instead? Maybe I want you to chase me down," I shot back after clearing my head. It took only a moment of glaring before Sanemi launched himself at me full speed. Yelping in surprise at his sudden attack, I managed to sheath my own sword while spinning away with his blade hugged close to my body just as he reached out.

A laugh bubbled out my mouth as I sprinted off and away from him. I could hear his footsteps trailing right behind me, the sound quite terrifying even though I knew he wouldn't hurt me. The thrill of the chase was worth it even as my lungs burned and legs ached from the early exercise. There was no way I was going to willingly be caught by him.

That didn't seem to matter though as the sword in my hands was suddenly gone. When I turned my gaze to look incredulously at my empty hand while trying to slow to a stop, I stumbled across my feet right as arms wrapped around my middle tightly. Tackled to the ground, I felt my soul leave my body when I hit the grass in a roll with weight falling on top of me promptly afterwards.

The momentum of Sanemi tackling me sent us both rolling down a small hilly embankment, my chuckles wobbling with each turn. I clutched tightly onto Sanemi until we came to a stop with him hovering over me with an amused smile that twitched at the corners of his lips. My breath came out in small pants, my arms reaching up to wrap around his shoulders, his own hands still holding my waist securely.

"Well that was fun. Can we do it again?" I chuckled softly, my face warm with joy. It took me a moment to realize he didn't have his sword with him either and that I had been his sole target the entire time. He must've left his blade at the top of the embankment but he didn't seem to care for it as he leaned in closer to me with eyes shining brighter than the sun.

"I've got something else in mind first," Sanemi whispered enticingly, one of his hands trailing up my body teasingly till he gripped my hair tenderly. I willingly let him guide me to his lips as he kissed me softly. For his tough and brutal exterior, he sure knew how to treat me carefully as if I'd break in his firm hold. At times, I was only certain that he was the one thing holding me together.

Humming delightfully, I tilted my head closer to his. He gasped in response, shivers rolling down his body and making his hands tremble against me in barely restrained bliss. I held him tighter with how eager I was to have him against me. If he could keep me here with him for the rest of eternity, I'd die with a smile on my face similar to the one curving my lips against his.

"I love you Sanemi," I breathed against his lips, obvious desire dripping with each of my words. He pulled away instantly, looking at me with surprise and disbelief in his beautiful wide eyes. His hands froze where they touched me, his heart rapidly picking up its pace against my chest. I watched as his blush darkened before he pulled me back in for an even stronger kiss, a passionate gesture that threatened to break me if I let it. Maybe I wanted to be broken down by his love though. If it meant more moments like these, then so be it.

"I love you too," he whispered back lovingly, his hands trembling as he switched his touch between my sides and hair. When he tired of my lips, he trailed his kisses over my face and along my jaw till he rested against my collarbone. His eyes were glued to mine as he caught his breath, my own lungs working overtime to compensate for the lack of oxygen in my body. It was worth it though for the warmth left behind from Sanemi's love.

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