Shinobu x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

She was out one night, collecting medical supplies that she had been low on stock for. The town was small and quiet, especially at night when a chilly breeze raised goosebumps on even the strongest warrior's arms. Any sane person was inside next to a fire, curled up with their loved ones.

Shinobu sighed at the thought of being home where she could warm herself but she still had to find a place to stay for the night until morning. The walk home would be too far with the possibility of demons. The insect hashira was already exhausted without having to fight for her life as well.

She made her way down the street with her usual carefree demeanor despite the cold. Humming softly, she almost didn't hear the clatter that had come from nearby...almost. She was sharp and trained to focus on even the smallest hint of trouble.

Perking up, she paused near a wall to peek around the corner. Her muscles tensed as another soft breeze lifted the hair off her neck making her shiver. The sight she saw down the road didn't help with her trembling.

A lone figure stood in the middle of the street, head tilted towards the sky and deathly still. Shinobu's hand flew to rest on the hilt of her sword reassuringly. Instant guilt flooded her for feeling so afraid but something about the weather and the stranger set her on edge. She really needed to sleep soon, fatigue was starting to play tricks on her brain.

The stranger's head suddenly snapped to stare directly at her. She tensed as if they had tried to strike her even though they were still several feet away. Taking a tentative step, she felt a strong sense of curiosity and an indescribable pull that urged her to get a closer look.

"Hello?" a quiet voice whispered, the sound so soft that the wind had to carry the message to Shinobu. She gasped at the tenderness in what she knew now as the boy's voice. Her hand released its desperate hold on her sword hilt as she took a few more steps closer to the stranger.

When she was close enough, she inhaled sharply. The boy was around her age with bright, kind eyes and a gentle frown. With his face cast in moonlight, he looked ethereal. He tilted his head slightly at her, his own eyes taking in her features.

"What are you doing out so late?" Shinobu asked in concern, her apprehension from earlier already gone. She hadn't expected such a soft spoken boy to be out at the same hour of murderers and thieves. She could already tell he meant no harm though by the way he stared at her with a gentleness that felt unreal.

"I'm not sure. What are you doing out here?" he quietly questioned in return. It normally would've been considered strange the concern that was displayed on his features for a mere stranger but Shinobu only felt fondness towards the sentiment.

"I'm running a few errands but it got late," she explained with a small chuckle. The boy perked up suddenly with a smile, looking at her with a new brightness in his eyes. Shinobu tilted her head curiously at what got him so excited so quickly. Even his excitement seemed muted though, his whole being felt off to her as if he was washed in grays rather than explosions of colors.

"There's a place down the street that takes in travelers for no price. They're a sweet old couple and won't mind if you stayed a night or two," the boy chirped, already walking down the street. His eagerness to help snapped Shinobu from her wandering thoughts as she sprinted to catch up with him. She did need a place to stay after all and she could tell his word was good.

There was something about him that truly intrigued her, something more than a sweet personality and general exhaustion that made him seem like he was swimming through ink. It was the way he seemed to drift through the empty streets, his eyes bright and yet empty. It was as if he was hollow. She followed him regardless though to the old couple where she made the decision to stay a bit longer.


In the few days she extended her visit, she found out a few interesting facts. For starters, the boy's name was y/n and only showed up at night on the darkest street. When she asked around during the day for him, no one could recall who she was talking about. She also made a discovery that the old couple the boy had mentioned was actually just an elderly man that claimed his wife had died a couple years ago, though he still let her stay for a bit which she appreciated.

It was strange the way the boy felt so unreal during the day but would always show up at night, waiting for her with a smile. They had spent some time during the long hours of darkness as Shinobu talked about demonslayers and medicine, to which y/n would listen intently. He didn't talk as much but when he did, he was polite and quiet. Shinobu appreciated the chance to introduce what seemed to be a whole new world to the boy.

Every night seemed to be the same except for this time when y/n tugged on Shinobu's sleeve gently when she prepared to leave. The hashira turned around to stare at the boy to find a letter in his hand. She wasn't quite sure if he had been holding it the whole time or not but she waited patiently for an explanation.

"Could you deliver this to a friend of mine, please?" he asked softly. His eyes were pleading, almost desperate and certainly the most energy she's seen from him. How could she say no? Shinobu carefully grabbed the letter, her skin sliding against y/n's for a moment as she gasped. His hands were practically frozen with how cold they were.

"Of course. I'd love to," she smiled, trying to ignore the lingering cold on her fingertips. Y/n sighed as if he was relieved to have the letter off his chest. It could've been a trick of the light but she swore that a new light had shone through his eyes just then. She gave him a nod before turning around to make her way down the street. As she prepared for a peaceful rest of her night, she heard a faint whisper on the wind. A soft and gentle goodbye that brushed past her ear.


"Oh y/n, the poor dear had some horrible disease years and years back." Shinobu stood frozen, her hands trembling. The old woman who shared the same name as the one on the letter was now telling her that she had grown up with the same boy she had been talking to the past few nights.

"What kind of disease?" Shinobu whispered disbelievingly, her words barely heard. The old woman frowned gently, guiding her guest to sit down. The hashira just couldn't fathom how this made any sense. It must've been a joke or some condition that made y/n appear a lot younger than he really was or the old woman was a lot younger than she thought.

But when the old woman named the fatal disease, she knew what the real truth was as much as it pained her. She hadn't known the boy long but he had been polite and sweet...and apparently also long dead. Tears pricked at her eyes but she held them back.

"I'm still not sure where you got this letter from but I'm glad you found it. I miss y/n and to think of the chance of you finding an old letter from him warms my heart," the old woman sighed wistfully. Shinobu could only nod. She wasn't going to tell the old woman who she had really gotten the letter from, instead allowing the woman some peace in her own pain.


Later that night, Shinobu rushed down the street in search of y/n and some answers. How could he be dead? Why did he stick by her, a total stranger each night? She needed to see him again.

But as she turned the corner, there was no figure standing in the road and gazing at the stars. Instead all she found was a letter on the ground where he had once stood. She swallowed back her lingering sadness before picking up the paper with shaky hands.

Her name was written across the front in loopy old fashioned letters with a heart scribbled in one of the corners. The paper was crisp but she knew it wasn't that old and that it had been left for her recently. With as much gentleness as she could muster, she opened the envelope.

Dear Shinobu,

Thank you for giving me closure. As a child in a time with limited knowledge, I couldn't understand why I was dying. I was so lost and empty without any explanation for my condition, wandering these streets as I searched for answers even after my time was spent. When you came along, I knew you would give me peace. I've talked with one of you before, another butterfly girl that had spent her moments with me speaking of so much love she held for her sister. I knew it was you the butterfly woman had been speaking of instantly. When you opened up my eyes to a world full of medicine and treatments, I became aware that I didn't have those things growing up. It's been a long time and the world has changed so much that I hope people like me have more of a chance to live. As much as I wished I had more time, I wish you give others more time instead. Thank you for showing me the light so I can finally rest in peace.

With love,


Before Shinobu left the village to return to the demonslayer headquarters, she had one last place she wanted to visit.  So in the dawn of a new day and the last moments she planned to stay, she made her way down the streets towards a small field.  A sign to the side had scripted writing announcing the cemetery. 
The old woman that Shinobu had talked with had given her directions if she wanted to visit on her way out of town.  The hashira had gladly accepted the address, wanting to pay final respects for her short term friend.  It hurt her that he was never really alive but to leave him behind after many nights spent bonding, she felt a strange ache in her chest. 
She strolled through the open gates, scanning the plaques of names before she found the one she was looking for in the back.  Y/n's grave was clearly older with vines growing up and around it as if the plants yearned for his company.  It was a sweet thought that made Shinobu smile softly. 
Reaching out, she brushed the back of her hand against the cold stone.  A slight breeze ruffled her hair, urging her to look up.  When she did, she noticed a pair of figures standing ahead of her with matching smiles.  Her heart clenched at the sight of y/n and another familiar face...her sister Kanae. 
Tears streamed down Shinobu's cheeks as they both waved at her, the air around them shimmering.  Y/n had mentioned in his letter another butterfly woman and even though Shinobu suspected who it was, seeing a final glimpse of her sister felt like a miracle.  It was as if y/n was giving her a final gift before they parted ways.

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