Aoi x Reader x Kanao

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Thanks @PowerKima for the request!

"Y/n, can you help me with something?" Aoi's voice called out from the other room. I perked up at the sound of her voice, seeing the way Kanao silently begged me not to leave with her eyes. I felt bad leaving her, especially when we were in the middle of a game of chess, but it sounded like Aoi really needed me. We could always continue this game another time anyways. I didn't want Aoi to do whatever she was doing alone in case she got hurt.

"I'm coming!" I called out, turning to Kanao with a pitiful smile. She frowned back, clearly disappointed as I pat her head. "I'm so sorry but I'll be right back, I promise. If I'm not then I owe you two more games. This shouldn't take me long though," I reassured her. She didn't seem convinced as she pouted, turning her gaze elsewhere. I could only sigh as I left the room to assist Aoi.

When I entered the clinic area where her voice had sounded, I saw her standing on her tiptoes and trying to reach for something in one of the higher cabinets. I chuckled softly at the sight, watching the way her ears turned bright red even before she turned a playful glare over to me. I shook my head, miming zipping up my lips as I stood over her to grab the first aid kit on the top shelf, the only thing she could've been trying to grab. It seemed pointless that she would want it though.

"You could've just climbed onto the counter if you were desperate enough. It's not that high up shorty," I smirked, raising my brow in suspicion. Her whole face turned bright red as she hugged the kit to her chest, her eyes focusing on everything else in the room besides me. It was strange that she's been calling me around a lot more, especially during times when I was usually busy with someone else.

On cue, I heard someone bump into the doorway, turning my head to see Kanao watching me intently. Both girls stiffened up as their gazes met each other. I wasn't sure if I was just imagining it but there seemed to be a new tension that curled around the atmosphere of the room like a python, squeezing any comfort out of the area. Both of their stares turned towards barely restrained annoyance before I cleared my throat awkwardly. Aoi and Kanao both swiveled their heads to look at me with wide eyes and pleasant smiles, making me wonder if I just imagined what had just gone down between the two of them.

"Sorry Aoi but I believe I have a game to finish with Kanao. Let me know if there's anything else high up I can grab for you," I offered her, patting her shoulder before walking towards Kanao who watched me with wide eyes. I figured whatever the weird moment was could only be a one time thing. They've usually been pretty close so it didn't make sense that a sudden new rivalry would suddenly spring up from nowhere. If only I had seen the way Kanao and Aoi glared daggers at each other behind my back.

Turns out the weird energy between the two girls wasn't just a one time thing and it only got worse with each day. Whenever I was with Kanao, Aoi would interrupt and practically drag me away with her. Likewise when I was with Aoi, Kanao would find a way to shuffle on over and pull me away. I didn't want to say anything at first, figuring their rivalry was something they needed to fix on their own. It wasn't any of my business what went wrong between them and I didn't want to risk making it worse by inserting myself. That was until I found out that I was actually part of the problem.

Out of desperation, I went to Shinobu to ask her if she knew what was going on. She had only laughed, patting my head like I was too naive to realize what must've been clear. I had nearly begged her to tell me for minutes until she revealed that they had taken mutual interest in me. She said that they weren't the best at communicating and were trying to tell in their own ways that they wanted to spend time with me. It surely explained why they both managed to drag me away from the other. I made a decision right then to put an end to the petty competition between them.

"Y/n! Can you help me clean the clinic?" Aoi called out, skipping into the room. Kanao, who sat across from me, weaving a flower crown that I had taught her to make, nearly glared at the girl. I sighed in exasperation, looking over my shoulder at Aoi, gesturing for her to step closer. She shut her mouth instantly with a concerned frown, hesitantly walking closer with her gaze flicking between Kanao and me.

"It's about time I talk to you two about this. I'm tired of the way you guys pull me away from each other. It's not fun and is quite childish. I want to hang out with both of you without a constant tension following. Can you guys just get along without the competition and just be my friends?" I asked gently, watching both of them for their reactions. Kanao looked ashamed, her hands clasped in her lap and her eyes looking at the ground. Aoi didn't look much better as she sniffled slightly. I rolled my eyes at the dramatics, pulling both of them into a gentle hug. Instantly their energy shifted as their heads rested on my shoulders. I could only hope that this meant they'd get along and we could all hang out together.

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