Muzan x Reader

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Thanks @kyuk3tsu11 for the request!

It was strange seeing the man I admired so much in a child form. I almost didn't even want to acknowledge him when he took the shape of a young boy but I was forced to pose as his personal assistant while we were here. It wasn't until we were alone that he would give in to my wishes and shift back into an appropriate age for me to dote on which came too few and far between for my liking.

I couldn't even look him in the eyes now as I stood in the corner of the vast room, watching vaguely as his small form wandered around the library as he looked for a particular book. Even though we were alone in here, it would be all too easy for some human of the house to stumble across us in our true demonic forms and give away our intentions so we had to keep up the charade even in private. The wrath of Muzan would be horrible to witness if it ever came to someone witnessing him out of his child form.

"Mr. y/n, can you lift me up to the book on the top shelf?" a haunting young voice called out from the boy. A shiver rolled down my body at the dangerous and commanding tone he still had even when he looked and sounded like a young child. Even though I didn't want to be anywhere near him like this, I followed his orders as I grabbed him from his waist to hoist onto my shoulders, my discomfort instant.

He swung his legs over my shoulders, heels kicking my chest through my servant uniform of the household. Reaching up higher, he picked out an assortment of books that might hold the information he was looking for. He didn't even have to order me as I took his momentary pause to gently guide him back to the ground where he started to open the journals to read without any delay. There wasn't anything I could do but obey him even when I desperately wanted his other form. I knew he was still the same but something about showing any kind of love to him like this made me sick.

"I can feel your stare and I am aware that this particular form doesn't please you so I must ask, why?" Muzan mumbled, not tearing his gaze from the book now sprawled across his small lap. I was caught off guard by his question considering I didn't think he'd really care if I didn't like one form or another. I just figured he knew about it but it wasn't that big of a deal anyways considering our situation and why we were here.

"It's strange seeing you like this considering the feelings I have towards you. I just want to hold you honestly but not in that form. I'd feel disgusting then," I admitted quietly, averting my gaze away from the peering eyes of the child form. My body was becoming tingly with the tension that was collecting in the room like a thick fog that was impossible to ignore while clouding my other senses. I might end up going crazy if I wasn't able to touch him without immediately recoiling in disgust.

"Luckily for you, when I was on your shoulders, I spotted the inhabitants of the household leaving for a dinner party someplace else. If you lock the door to the library then I'd be more than happy to properly make up for what you have deemed as lost time," Muzan proclaimed. My eyes glanced at his briefly to find nothing but cold seriousness. He would never lie to me anyways, the reward for obeying him this time felt too good to turn down.

I eagerly strode to the doorway of the library, quickly locking the door and making sure that it wouldn't budge so that no one would walk in on us. There'd be multiple reasons why we wouldn't want that, all of them focused on what our appearance would look like...nothing but scandalous in more ways than one. The anticipation of seeing the real Muzan made my whole body feel light as if I was walking on air. Maybe he'd even be able to make this discomfort and disgust I've been carrying the past few days go away, even if only for a few blissful moments.

"I did what you commanded—." I was cut off as I turned the corner around the bookshelf where I had left a young boy with fierce eyes to now find a tall, dark man smiling wickedly at me. The change of form was pleasant and alluring, drawing me in as my face warmed at the sight of him in all of his dangerous glory. My stare trailed over his body from his dark locks, past his deep eyes and down his extravagant suit in nothing but pure want. Even though he's been with me this entire time, it felt like I haven't seen him in days.

"Come here dark prince, I know it's been too long for you," Muzan whispered enticingly, opening his arms to urge me towards him. I happily complied, my hands trailing up his chest till I had my arms wrapped around his shoulders, feeling his fingers dig into my waist as he held me tight to him. This was far better than his other forms and more promising for affection.

To prove my point, he leaned in to kiss my lips passionately and with a possessiveness I've always loved to see before. It felt like absolute bliss to finally touch him without feeling sick and shameful. Maybe if I begged enough, he'd make an excuse to leave here so we could spend as much time away from any other forms that forced me away from him because, as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, I was sure I'd need more of him for the next week to come.

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