Tamayo x Reader (Part 1)

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Thanks @DiaboAlpaca for the request!

Tamayo POV

I strolled through the city casually, taking my time tonight with no patients waiting for me at the clinic.  It was rare for me to be out like this, taking in the sights of nightlife among humans.  It was charming to say the least.  A smile spread across my face at the young children running around with their flustered parents, couples leaning against each other lovingly and friends giggling together.  This was what it was to be human. 

A sigh exhaled through my mouth at the wonderful aura surrounding tonight.  It cast everything in a dreamlike quality that carried everyone's spirits, including mine.  I had no intention of joining anyone tonight but I was certainly enjoying myself as I waved at a small girl with wide eyes who ran away bashfully.  I chuckled softly to myself before moving on, something I've done plenty of in my existence.  After all, nothing in life was permanent. 

The night continued on pleasantly with an assortment of short sweet interactions.  It reminded me how lucky I was to be able to mask my appearance to mostly pass as human.  If you looked harder, you'd be able to tell what I truly was. 

I wasn't worried though, not until someone bumped into me and almost sent me to the ground.  Gentle and quick hands reached out to catch me before I fell, both secured around my waist as I gasped.  My gaze glanced up in surprise to find gentle eyes staring back at me. 

"I'm so sorry, miss.  I wasn't watching where I was going," the young man smiled apologetically.  He quickly helped me back onto my feet, releasing my waist respectfully as he bowed in apology.  I noticed a special sword at his side, clarity washing over me as I realized he was a hashira. 

"There's no need for that.  I should be apologizing to you, Mr..." I trailed off, giving him a chance to fill in with his name.  He perked up with his soft smile, his gaze sending something sparking inside my chest.  I desperately hoped this demonslayer wouldn't find out what I was, it would surely mean death. 

"Y/n.  You can just call me y/n.  Might I ask your name?" he asked with curiosity.  I felt myself blush at his tone, something so childish it made me even more bashful.  Y/n didn't seem to notice though as he only tilted his head as if noticing something.  His kind expression never faltered. 

"You may call me Tamayo," I responded with a polite nod.  Y/n smiled wider before putting his hand out.  Slightly confused, I slid my own hand into his.  He leaned down to place a kiss on the back of it, his lips soft and sweet against my skin.  When he pulled away, he gave a wink. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Tamayo.  What brings you out here tonight?"  I froze up at that.  His tone was still kind but there was a subtle hint of wariness that made me realize he knew I was a demon.  He hadn't attacked me though it was his job to kill any demon who crossed him.  He was only making sure I wasn't going to harm anyone. 

"You don't need to worry about me.  I have no intention of harming anyone," I whispered reassuringly.  He seemed to think for a moment, tilting his head as he searched for any hint of malice in my eyes.  The moment he realized I was sincere, he gave me a nod of appreciation.  It wasn't much but sent pride welling in my chest. 

"I could already tell that just by the kindness in your eyes.  Would it be alright, Lady Tamayo, if I joined you this evening?  Purely for interest, not as a guard," he asked with hope glittering in his eyes.  That same strange coil of affection guided me to nod my head cheerfully.  He held his arm out politely as I wrapped my hand around it, somewhat flustered with the contact.  He didn't seem to mind it at all as he sent me another wink before guiding us through the city. 

There was something sincere in the way he smiled at me as he started friendly conversation including life as a hashira, his family and his dreams.  He listened intently when I talked about my clinic and helping newly turned demons and humans alike including how I don't survive off of flesh.  He made me feel seen and heard as he nodded along, his own excitement flaring when I talked about my studies.  Having someone so immersed in my interests filled me with joy and appreciation. 

Before we both knew it, the night was coming to an end and I had to leave before the sun came up.  Y/n offered to walk me home which I accepted with a smile.  There was something about him that eased my worries and sparked something inside me.  I couldn't let this be the last time I saw him and so when he prepared to leave, I gently grabbed his sleeve. 

"Would you like to meet up again sometime?  I really enjoyed tonight," I whispered softly.  Y/n looked at where I held his sleeve before he chuckled gently.  He took my hand like earlier, pressing another kiss against my knuckles.  It made my heart flutter this time. 

"I'd love to see you again.  Tonight was absolutely wonderful.  Good morning Lady Tamayo and sweet dreams," he winked, releasing my hand slowly as to savor our contact.  I sighed happily as he bowed once more before turning around and disappearing into the gray light of early morning.

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