Genya x Reader

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Thanks @ItsKaiden for the request!

Genya paced back and forth nervously.  It's been days since he saw him, worry gripping his thoughts in a death hold.  Without communication, he had no chance but to hope that y/n would return safely.  He knew that his lover was strong and could handle his own in this hellish world but that didn't mean that something didn't happen. 
The idea made his hands clench by his sides aggressively.  Whoever dared to lay a hand on his lover would quickly find themselves on the wrong end of his sword.  All he wanted was to see the gentle expression on y/n's face as he would quietly give him a reassuring hug that would let Genya know he was safe. 
A small smile flicked on the dark haired boy's face at the usual silence of his lover, his pacing easing a bit.  Y/n didn't talk much, preferring to remain quiet and communicate through nods of his head.  Genya couldn't help the fondness that spread through his chest.  Even with limited communication, it was easy for everyone to understand what he meant through his gestures. 
The aching heightened with the memories of his lover laughing quietly as others watched them, wondering how they even came to be.  It had been one of the very few times y/n talked, the day when Genya asked him out.  His voice had been soft and smooth to give his verbal answer. 
That one yes was forever engraved in Genya's mind as it opened up a world of happiness to him.  He made sure to treat y/n with plenty of respect and affection, his boyfriend returning his love tenfold through careful touches and kisses.  He didn't want anything else in the world but to feel y/n's warm touch right now. 
Sighing, he stopped his pacing to collapse into a chair by the door.  Walking around anxiously wasn't going to solve anything, only spending his energy.  Y/n usually didn't have such long missions so being apart for so long was getting to Genya's head. 
A letter had returned to headquarters stating that he was to return this evening and so he had hope that his eyes would rest on his boyfriend soon enough.  He just had to be patient.  And so with a small frown, he stood back up to make his way to the kitchen. 
The least he could do to prepare for y/n's arrival was have food ready.  He was bound to be tired from his mission and making dinner would be the last thing he wanted to do.  Genya wasn't clueless in the kitchen considering how many times he would watch y/n over his shoulder making various meals. 
Pulling out ingredients, he decided to keep it simple as he stared blankly at the pile.  Chicken and rice should be fairly easy and so he decided on that.  It was decently quick as well so he would hopefully be done before y/n returned.  Excitement coursed through Genya's veins at the reminder.  With an eager smile on his face, he went to work on making the meal.


It had taken a little longer than Genya had hoped but all he was waiting for now was the chicken to fully cook.  Stirring the pot of rice by his side, he patiently hummed to himself though his fingers were fidgety.  Y/n should've been home already and the sun was already setting. 
Genya gave a sigh but continued to check on the chicken.  It was ready to be cut up into strips now and so he took the piece of meat out of the boiling water to place on the cutting board.  Gripping the knife, he tenderly cut thin slices of the chicken as he began humming again. 
Genya quickly became so absorbed in his task that he didn't hear the door close or the quiet footsteps make their way towards him.  It wasn't until arms wound around his waist and a head rested against his back that he startled. 
"Why the hell would you sneak up on me when I have a knife?!" he questioned in irritation before turning around to pull his lover into a hug.  Y/n chuckled softly, his hands moving to cup Genya's face as he pressed a kiss to his lips.  Both of them instantly felt their aching ease at the contact. 
Y/n pulled away with a small smile and heated face.  His lover was still slightly irritated at the surprise but pulled him in again for another kiss.  Y/n didn't mind one bit, one of his hands running down the stripe of his hair lovingly.  Genya shivered slightly at the soft feeling. 
"I'm not letting you leave anytime soon and definitely not for that long again," Genya whispered against his lover's lips breathily.  It was y/n's turn to tremble this time as his boyfriend's hands squeezed his waist firmly.  His statement was a promise that they both knew he'd keep. 
Y/n chuckled quietly, staring into Genya's eyes passionately.  Neither wanted to leave anytime soon as soft smiles spread across their warm faces.  An affectionate atmosphere spread through the room as y/n pushed his face against Genya's neck, their chests being held close against each other. 
Genya took this moment to look over his lover's body to spot any injuries.  Y/n's haori was clean and intact as usual with no sign of distress as his hands moved over his lover's body carefully.  A calming look from y/n let him know that he wasn't going to find any wound. 
"I love you."  Genya startled at the sound of his boyfriend's soft voice.  Y/n was staring at him again with those beautiful eyes of his that made him swoon.  Genya's smile widened bashfully as he pressed a kiss against his lover's lips before leaving a trail of affection down his jaw and to his neck. 
"I love you," he whispered against his soft skin with each kiss he placed.  Y/n chuckled at the feeling, humming gently as he curled Genya's hair around his finger.  The food was forgotten as the two invested all their attention and energy towards each other.  It wasn't everyday that y/n would say anything and Genya planned on celebrating their confessions of love through cuddling and sweet kisses.

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