Tengen x Reader

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Anxiety rippled through my body in waves, nausea clawing its way up my throat.  Heart racing and legs pacing the only sound from the room were my eager footsteps.  Sleep was nonexistent the past few days and food was a luxury I no longer cared for.  Mind racing with thoughts of him in danger or dead. 

Of course he was skilled and has had plenty of experience but none of that mattered when your opponent was stronger.  Nothing can save you from an undefeatable enemy but what were the odds that this time was the end of it all.  Odds didn't matter either of course. 

Being sent to my room after spiraling in front of the other hashira has only made my thoughts worse.  I needed air.  No.  I needed him.  That's the only way I'll be able to truly calm down.  I never acted this way when he went on other missions.  I knew he had it covered and would return safely to my arms but...the other night I awoke with a horrible sensation that spread through my body in agonizing realization.  Something must've happened to him or I was losing my mind.  It could very well be both. 

He was coming home today.  He's supposed to anyway.  Everyone's anticipating his good natured return, even the ones who deny it.  Sweat rolled down my neck, an itch throbbed on my wrists though I refused to scratch it.  Once I started I wouldn't be able to stop and I'd likely be chastised for it. 

Calls and shouts from outside shook me from my worried stupor and my pacing ceased.  The shouts got louder as my heart dropped to my stomach.  That didn't sound good. 

I tore myself across the room, slamming open the door and sprinted down the hallway, barreling into the daylight.  My eyes blurred attempting to focus from the light difference.  I scanned the surroundings, my state landing on a group of people at the demonslayer corps gate. 

Trembling, I headed in that direction.  The worried voices numbed my mind as I pushed through them trying to reach the center figure.  One final shove and I let out a gasp of horror at the hunched man in front of me. 

"We need to bring him back to the butterfly mansion quickly!" Shinobu stated, giving me a serious look.  I couldn't move though.  All I could do was stare at the blood dripping down his uniform.  The pools oozing around his feet.  The gash along his stomach.  My mind blank tried to process a response, anything. 

A shove to my shoulder alerted me of the urgency and I instantly wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders, taking extra care to not touch his side where his cut began.  Shinobu latched onto his other side and together we pulled ahead. 

I couldn't stop staring at him.  His face was contorted in mute pain, trying to hide how much it hurt no doubt.  Pale, sickly skin and sweat gave hints that the wound had done much worse than leave him with blood loss.  My eyes darted forward. 

I needed to focus on something else before the fear caught up to me.  A soft groan shook my attempt.  This was what I had felt at that moment.  A demon must've gotten to him that night. 

It felt like years had passed before we found ourselves in the infirmary.  We gently lowered him onto the bed as he hissed in pain.  I cringed at the sound before turning to Shinobu who had already scavenged the cabinets with ointments and bandages in hand.  She dropped them onto the bedside table and rushed back to grab more supplies. 

"Listen, we need to stitch up the gash, clean it before it gets infected and wrap it.  I need to find the needle so I'm counting on you to clean it in the meantime.  Be as careful as possible," Shinobu ordered.  I nodded mutely, grabbing a towel and bowl of water before turning him. 

Dipping the cloth in the water, I paused at the torn fabric of his top.  Our eyes met and an understanding passed through us as I peeled the remaining pieces off his chest.  The gash looked even bigger without any covering.  I swallowed my nervousness as I lowered the cloth to the edge of the gash.  His muscles tensed under the movement of my hand removing the blood. 

He grunted periodically but I didn't let up.  The cloth now stained red was dropped into the bowl as I reached for a new one.  I was only halfway through before I had gone through three new cloths and four changes of water. 

By the time I was finished, Shinobu was by my side ready with a needle and medical thread.  "You did good but this is the hard part.  He's going to want to move but you need to hold him still."  I nodded in understanding as I kneeled by his side. 

I took his hand and gave a gentle squeeze.  He squeezed my hand right back as the needle slid through his skin.  I averted my eyes, using my other hand to turn his head away from the scene of his midsection.  His gaze locked on mine.  He gave me a pained smile as he winced at another pierce of his skin. 

"Heh, I missed you my prince," he whispered.  I smiled back.  Hearing his voice calmed me even if he was trying hard not to cry out.  I moved my forehead to rest on his.  He sighed out, his breath landing on my lips and tickling my face. 

"You're not allowed to leave my side again, Tengen," I whispered back.  He chuckled, moving forward to peck my lips. 

"Not a bad idea."  I looked at Shinobu who looked about finished.  A few more minutes and she was removing the used supplies from the room, leaving me to bandage him.  I grabbed the supplies and urged Tengen to sit up.  He slowly raised himself up, propping his arms behind him for balance. 

The gash looked slightly better now that it was closed up, though blood dribbled slightly down his abdomen.  I unraveled the cloth and sat on the bed facing him.  He smirked my way when I paused, staring at his muscles. 

"I can always do it myself love if you can't," he teased.  I huffed in response before leaning forward to wrap the bandage around his lower back.  Bringing it forward to his front I wrapped the bandage carefully and skillfully around his midsection, tying off the end in a neat knot. 

A hand gently cupped my chin, tilting my face up to meet his.  Swiftly he pulled me onto his lap, his arms landing firmly on my waist.  Blushing, I tried my best to glare at him.  He needed rest.  I shook my head and attempted to retreat from his grip but he held strong despite his weakened state.  My face grew increasingly hot as he smirked at me. 

"Come on, I need a distraction if I'm supposed to stay here to rest," he cooed in my ear as shivers crawled down my spine in jolts.  My hands flew up to his shoulders to put space between our bodies.  His face was still pale and ashy with his dull pink eyes glazed over.  I couldn't help but worry about his condition. 

I pushed forward against him, easing him to lay back.  His smirk widened but he didn't realize that I wasn't going to give him what he wanted.  Holding him down I gave him a quick but meaningful kiss before sliding off him.  An eyebrow rose in curiosity as I crossed the room.  I looked over my shoulder briefly taking in his appearance. 

"You need rest, not a distraction.  I'll be waiting right outside the door if you need anything," I called out before opening the door.  "Oh and Tengen...".  He glanced up pouting.  "...Calm yourself down, it'd be too much of a hassle getting you to take a cold shower." 

"Yes sir."  He chuckled darkly as I left the room hearing a quiet "I love you" behind me.  My face reddened and I shut the door, walking out into the hall. 

My emotions caught up with me and I collapsed against the wall.  He was safe now.  He will heal and everything will be fine.  He's back in my arms just as I had prayed for.

Demonslayer x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now