Akaza x Reader

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He was in a sour mood.  It's funny how easy it is to tell.  He goes quiet but there's an energy around him.  It comes off him in waves of caution to anyone who approaches.  His tough guy act was adorable but I could look through him like glass.  This was my favorite time to push his buttons, make him tick. 

He rolled his shoulders slowly, his markings rippling around his muscles.  A small grunt left his mouth at the action, a small smirk tugging at my lips.  He was vulnerable but I wanted to demolish the walls he was building up, completely shatter his guard, not just lower it.  My own energy must've shifted as his irritated gaze flickered over to me for a second.  I only smiled back innocently. 

"Hey Akaza!  I've got a wonderful idea!" I chirped, clasping my hands up happily.  He knew my game, we've known each other long enough to know the rules and signs.  Caution was written all over his face.  I could practically see the war he was having in his head.  I could distract him but at what cost; he was debating the possibilities, the outcomes.  Visibly, a resolution settled in his stature. 

"I'm not in the mood for one of your games," he gruffly stated.  Little did he know that he would play it no matter what choice he felt he made.  I was preparing my game board and his piece was about to fall in place yet again. 

I glided over smoothly, my robes drifting in a waterfall of smooth fabric.  His caution turned to warning in an instant but underneath his false demeanor was temptation.  He wanted to play my tragic boy's game.  He knew the risks but sought the rewards each time. 

My hand lifted to his shoulder, gently grazing the ivory skin with my nails.  The skin tensed and another roll of his shoulders indicated the shivers that had trailed down his body.  His golden eyes locked onto mine with a burning intensity.  The piece had fallen into play.  My trap was successful once more. 

I furthered my grasp, sliding my fingers up his neck and to his cheek, cupping the side of his face with care.  Unintentionally, his eyes closed and he pushed gently back.  My smile softened.  My favorite part of the game was approaching faster today.  The soft side of him was more apparent.  Maybe I'd show him some mercy. 

"You're sore aren't you?" I inquired.  Still with his eyes closed he nodded slowly.  He seemed so exhausted, his movements becoming ever so slightly sluggish.  I chuckled softly.  "How about a massage then, hm?" I offered. 

A shaky exhale left his lips.  My gaze wandered around his face.  His long lashes, the intricate markings lining his face, the turn of his lips, everything.  He finally nodded slowly and deliberately.  Without another word we crossed the room together. 

I sat him down on a chair as he shrugged off his top.  His arms stretched above him, grasping onto the chair behind him firmly.  His gaze turned to me lazily, all irritation dissolving into drowsiness at the view of a supposedly innocent boy.  I made my move on the game board. 

My hands met his shoulders as my fingers dug into the skin.  He winced quite noticeably but didn't utter a sound.  I smirked at him, looking at him intensely as if daring him to fight against me now.  My fingers began to roll down on the muscle in slow, deliberate movements.  Squeezing the skin every now and then, Akaza would shut his eyes in bliss. 

Moving down his arms, I shifted my fingers to grip his forearms.  Once I reached his hands, I clasped them before guiding them to rest on my own shoulders.  Akaza held them there but gave me a questioning raise of his eyebrow.  I only offered a knowing smile as an answer. 

Quickly I shifted my hands to his middle, pressing hard against the skin.  Being taken by surprise, a gasp escaped.  We could both do so much better though.  I stopped and withdrew from him, standing back to look at him.  He looked back in confusion as I gestured for him to turn around.  Once he understood he quickly turned around and straddled the back of the chair, head resting on his crossed arms. 

I moved forward, resting my hands on his shoulder blades.  He made this game too easy to win.  I worked my fingers deep into the muscle hearing a satisfied grunt from him.  Following the trail of markings, I firmly pushed against him adoring every sound he made. 

At his lower back a low growl tore my attention away from my own amusement.  Pausing my movements I inspected the seemingly sensitive area.  It was enough for him to growl out and he had made his weakness impossibly clear.  Checkmate.  I leaned forward, my chest pressing against his shoulder blades, my hands lingering on his lower back.  Pushing forward, he hissed lowly at the rolling movements from my fingers. 

"Oh god," he grunted.  Smiling I pushed harder against the area feeling the knot in the muscle start to wear away.  He slowly began to relax again against the chair.  I pulled back, running my hand through his hair lovingly.  I won this round, the monarch had toppled and I stood victorious as the new king. 

Glancing at him I realized he had fallen asleep.  I rolled my eyes before brushing a strand of hair away from his eyes.  Leaning down I pressed a kiss against his forehead. 

"Sweet dreams Akaza," I whispered before exiting the room quietly.  Once the door had shut my smile dropped and my usual apathy slid into place.  If I wanted this game to continue with him no one else could find out.  And I needed this game to continue.  I needed Akaza to emerge victorious so that we could both win.

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