Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Annabeth Pov

I pulled myself out of my bed dreading the day that I had to go back to camp. Last night I had packed all of my things so I went to the common room waiting for the others to get up. When they finally were all on the couch Father flashed in. "Good morning everyone," he said with a slight smile on his white face. I gave him a look that said, are you seriously saying to me that this is a good day? He looked over at me but acted like he didn't seem to notice.

"Ok so I know that you never really had a leader but, Annabeth you will be in charge, Hazel is your second, Piper is third, Calypso fourth, Will fifth and the rest aren't ranked. Ok? This is just for leadership purposes when they are needed but other than that it means nothing. Also your hoods are enchanted so only you or the team can take them down, try to keep your DNA thing a secret unless it is of the utmost importance that you don't. Um... I think that's it. Oh make a portal to the gods throne room they need a little freak, their so uptight, and introduce yourselves as the elite guard of Chaos, and you call yourselves The Saviors." He said smiling.

I threw up my hand making a portal in thin air, I love having some of Father Chaos's powers. I stepped through first followed by the others in rank order. I again felt as if I was falling feet first, just like the first time I traveled through a portal. This time though I knew what I was doing, I closed my eyes and focused on Mount Olympus remembering the throne room perfectly right down to the specks of dust that were left from rebuilding it. I opened my eyes and focused on the light that was growing ever closer. I soon stepped out with my hood up and my eyes covered, my team fell in step behind me into a v formation. All of the gods were in the throne room, even Hades which was unusual back when I went to camp.

"Who are you and what do you want!" boomed the drama queen Zeus.

I smirked "calm down drama queen, no need to get fussy." He looked shocked that anyone would say that to him so I continued. "We are the elite guard of Chaos, we are called The Saviors. I am Andra, the leader." I stepped back into the formation letting the others speak.

"I am Halina, second in command," Hazel said stepping forward.

"I am Phila, third in command," Piper said after Hazel stepped back.

"I am Cadis, fourth in command," Calypso said moving forward, again after Piper stepped back.

"I am Solaris, fifth in command," Will said also moving forward, he then stepped back waiting for Luke to step forward.

"I am Loxias, no rank," Luke said not moving.

"I am Zandra, also no rank," Zoë said also not moving.

"I am Saina, no rank," Silena said again not moving.

"I am Baste, no rank," Bekendorf again didn't move, I guess they thought they didn't need to.

"I am Mikolas, no rank," Michael said not moving.

"I am Coridan, no rank," Castor said not moving.

The gods looked shocked; I then noticed that my mom along with Aphrodite, Apollo, Demeter, and Hades had tear streaked faces. I pondered this for a second thinking of something that would make them cry. What is it Annabeth? A voice said in my mind, I soon realized it was Hazel. Chaos had given us five the power to talk to each other in our minds and to voice it to the rest of our team if needed.

Do you guys know why our parents are crying, and Demeter? I replied including the rest of them in the conversation.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but may I ask why some of you are crying," Hazel said carefully.

"If you must know, they are crying because as of yesterday some of their children are have been missing for over 506 years. They refuse to cry on that day so they cry the day after." Hera said with a sad look in her eyes.

Wait Demeter isn't one of our parents. I said to the others.

Demeter sorta claimed me at camp the first day because of how good I took care of the plants on my island. She said it wasn't my fault that my dad was a titan, so she took me in. Calypso said joining in on the conversation.

Oh that makes more sense. Piper replied.

I looked back at the gods, they were all looking sad. "So we came to help the camps in the war against the new unknown evil. " I said breaking the silence. Chaos had told us that the gods and goddesses were unaware of this evil and he wasn't sure on who it was. He had advised us to not tell them anything about it. Only that there was a new evil erupting from earth. "Should we just go down and scare the crap out of them or should you tell them we're coming?" I asked; no one gave any definite answer so I opened a portal and focused on the hill that held Thalia's tree. "I guess were gonna scare them." I said before stepping through the portal after my team.

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