Chapter 18

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Mina's POV

We got ourselves dressed and went to the dining room to have breakfast with our members. It was very silent throughout our breakfast, none of us saying a single word, and i grew nervous at how silent it was. I am not used to this silence especially during our mealtimes.

"Now, explain yourselves, the both of you." Jihyo said once Tzuyu and i were seated on the couch in the living room while the members surrounded us, some sitting and some standing.

"It's just like what i have said. Even though we are best friends, we sleep naked because it's more comfortable for us and we got used to sleeping like this over time." Tzuyu said in a stern voice while looking calm.

"But still, won't things go wrong if you two sleep naked?" Jeongyeon-unnie asked as she looked at us with keen eyes, observing our reactions and expressions.

"Yeah, that's right. Tzuyu, you're not worried about the risks of your friendship with Mina-unnie? Did you think through about what might happen when you decided to sleep naked with her? What if the both of you end up doing things that friends aren't supposed to do?" Chaeng bombarded the youngest girl with questions and she does have a point as we didn't think through what would happen the moment we sleep naked last night.

However, we have already went pass the friendzone and have already done things that friends aren't supposed to do with one another. Moreover, there aren't many risks of our friendship.

"I am worried about my friendship with unnie and that's why i thought things through before we ended up sleeping naked with each other. Plus, if we did do the things that friends aren't supposed to do, we wouldn't be friends by now." Tzuyu said and i realized that we have already done that but we decided to be friends with benefits and yet, she said that we won't be friends...? What does she mean? Does she not want to be friends with me but only want the benefits? No, there's no way she would do that.

"So you're saying that you will date her if you two did the deed?" Dahyun asked with a raised eyebrow and i stared at Tzuyu with curiosity, wanting to know the answer to her question.

"Yes, i will." She said with certainty and i can't help but to feel happy despite not knowing why. Maybe the happiness comes from her willing to date me though that's only if we did the deed which we have already done it.

Hold on... We have already did it... Does that mean Tzuyu is willing to date me? But we have done it two times and she didn't say anything about dating. Is that a lie too?

And by too, i meant her lying about us sleeping naked every night just so our members could believe us. We can't get caught by our members, not now.

"Tzuyu, are you sure you're really going to date Mina? Are you really certain that you want to date her?" Jihyo asked, sounding like she was confirming and making sure that Tzuyu meant her words and not just saying it.

"Yes, i am certain of it." Tzuyu said with certainty and her expression showed how truthful and certain she was.

"Then Mina, how about you? Are you willing to date her if you two happen to do the deed?" Jeongyeon-unnie asked me and it felt like i was getting interviewed.

"I am willing to date her even if we didn't do it." I said and immediately gasped when i realized what i have just said. Everyone soon looked at me with a teasing smile and a few of them wriggled their eyebrows at me, ready to tease me.

What i did just say?! I didn't mean to say that! What is wrong with me?!

"Oh my~ I sense that Tzuyu is winning your heart and she is doing a good job at it~" Sana said teasingly and i shook my head, disagreeing with her.

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