Deeply Devoted - Din Djarin

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Din Djarin x Reader

summary: It's your first time on an ice planet, and Din didn't warn you about the dangers of snow. Luckily he knows just how to warm you up.

rating: Explicit (Soft!Din Djarin, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, first kiss, love confessions, Din taking care of you, protective!Din Djarin, Din being a consent king, feelings, softness, blindfolds.)

word count: 2.4k+

You'd never seen snow

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You'd never seen snow.

It'd been fascinating, coming out of the Razor Crest to see the white wisps falling from the sky, the ground, and everything surrounding it bright white. You'd also never been somewhere so cold, either, pulling your jacket closer to your chest, hugging yourself as Din led you through the snow-covered streets of the small town, people moving out of the Mandalorian's way.

It always made you smile how he intimidated people without doing anything, when you knew he was actually very soft and sweet under all that shiny beskar.

You'd been traveling together for some months now, after he'd stopped on the desert planet you lived and grew up on for a hunt. You had been looking for a way off of the world without anyone knowing, your family having ties to some unsavory people that you wanted no part of, and since you happened to be a grown woman, taught at an early age ways around ship security without detection, you just broke into the Razor Crest while Din was gone, and stowed away.

Yes, sneaking up on a heavily armed Mandalorian was not a good idea.

But you'd been desperate.

Luckily, he hadn't found you for hours, the ship on course through hyperspace. He'd pulled a blaster on you, which was expected, helmet tilted in confusion, demanding to know how you'd gotten on board, and you made sure he knew you weren't a threat, and offered a substantial bag of credits for travel.

"I'm not a taxi. You're off when we land."

Except, you'd made yourself useful around the ship; helping him make the security better, cleaning, talking to him, and at some point, he'd decided he didn't mind having you around and said you could stay on as a crewmember.

You got to know each other, and feelings developed, one thing led to another, and eventually, the tension snapped. You found yourself bent over a crate, pants down your legs, cool beskar digging into the backs of your thighs with each push of his hips as he made you see stars. He'd told you his name while he was deep inside you, wanting to hear you say it when he made you come, and you'd said it, repeatedly.

That first time had been a couple of months ago, and you'd both jumped head first into the relationship. Din was sweet and devoted to you, and constantly showed you how much he cared; you were so unbelievably happy, giving him the same energy back. You hadn't seen him without his helmet and understood his creed, he slept with it on, removing the rest of his armor so he could hold you close on the tiny cot at night, and you didn't mind it one bit.

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