Puppy Dog Eyes - Javier Peña

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Javier Peña x Reader

summary: Javier's just trying to eat his lunch, but his dog is looking at him with those big brown eyes.

rating: Teen (This is fluff. No y/n, fluff, domestic fluff, slight dirty talk, breeding kink (mentioned, no sex), pregnancy (mentioned), Javier having lunch with his family)

word count: 788

a/n: This can be read as a standalone or as part of the Learning to Live 'verse. Takes place five years after Javi and Cielito meet.

 Takes place five years after Javi and Cielito meet

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Summer 2003

The sun was shining brightly, the temperature not too hot, with a slight breeze making it the perfect summer day. Everyone was hanging out in the backyard—Música Ranchera playing from a boombox, the wooden picnic table crowded, the other lawn chairs being used, conversations and laughter floating through the air. Javier was sitting in the grass enjoying his plate of carne asada his dad grilled.

The dog was staring at him, big brown eyes pleading with him for just one bite, Javier chewing slowly, brown eyes locked on brown eyes to see who would give in first.

"No, Bandito," he said after swallowing. "Esto es mío, no tuyo (this is mine, not yours)."

The dog continued staring, and Javier was pretty sure Bandito's eyes got rounder, it tugging on his heartstrings.

"You know you're going to give him a piece," Cielito said. "Why are you fighting it?"

His head turned toward his wife sitting beside him, her empty plate on the ground next to her, a blanket over her front to shield the baby feeding at her breast from the sun.

"No, I'm not," he replied, not sounding convincing at all.

She smiled.

"Yeah, you are. Bandit's got puppy dog eyes that rival yours. He's going to get what he wants, just like you always do."

He huffed out a breath.

"I don't get whatever I want."

Her eyebrow rose.

"The surprise baby begs to differ. You wanted one, and somehow your sperm were more powerful than my birth control."

He smirked, looking around to ensure nobody was within earshot, leaning closer to her when he saw the coast was clear.

"You wanted one, too." He moved his lips, so they were hovering over her ear. "Weren't you the one begging me to put a baby in you?" He rasped, hearing her suck in a breath. "Fuck a baby into me, Javi. Come inside me. Ring any bells?"

"Okay, yes, I did say those things, and if I recall, you were very much into the whole thing."

"Yeah, I was," he nipped at her ear. "Fucking love you pregnant with my babies."

"I know you do," she giggled. "So we both got what we wanted."

"We did," he kissed her cheek, Cielito turning her head to kiss him properly, Javi humming in his throat, holding his plate in one hand, while the other went up to cradle her face.

She deepened the kiss, Javi melting into her, loving her mouth on his.

His plate jostled, pulling away from her to turn his head, seeing Bandito moving away with the steak in his mouth.

"¡Oye (hey)!" Javi exclaimed. "¡Venga (come on)! Really, Bandito?"

The dog plopped down in the grass, happily chewing away.

Cielito laughed.

"Told you he'd get what he wanted."

Javi sighed, frowning as he turned to look at her.

"I was going to give him a piece."

She reached over, rubbing his cheek.

"I know you were."

"I'm going to get more food. You want seconds?"

"No, I'm good."

"Want me to take the baby?"

She snorted.

"You can go five minutes without holding your child. You let me eat now it's your turn."

Children's squeals had Javier looking forward, smiling as he watched the two-year-old toddling toward him.

"Papá! Juice!" They held out their sippy cup, Javier moving his plate as the child crashed into his lap, his arm wrapping around them.

"Need more juice, mi niño?"

"." They were cuddling into his chest, Javier's heart feeling so full. He kissed the top of their head.

"We'll get you some juice." He looked over at Cielito, a sweet look on her face watching them with a smile. "Want me to grab you anything while I'm up, baby?"

She shook her head, and he could see in her gaze how much she loved him, causing warmth to flood his veins.

"I'm good," she said.

"Okay," he nodded, leaning in to kiss her, feeling her hand come up to pull him closer, kissing him harder.

"Papá!" A plastic cup was hit against his chest to get his attention, "Juice!"

Javier chuckled as he pulled away.

"Yes, mijo. We're going." He kissed Cielito quickly. "Be right back, mi amor."

It had taken practice, but Javier was now an expert at doing things while holding a child, easily gathering them up in one arm while the other hand held his plate, getting up from the ground with a groan.

The dog was still gnawing on the meat, Javier standing near him.

"Dito!" The child said excitedly.

"Bandito betrayed tu Papá—ate my lunch," Javier said, starting to walk.

He couldn't be mad that his food was stolen—the happiness of being with his wife and kids overshadowed it all—it overshadowed everything

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