Massage - Javier Peña

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Javier Peña x Reader

summary: Javier's back is hurting, and you know just how to make your boyfriend feel better—a massage and orgasms.

rating: Explicit (18+!! No y/n, Soft Javier Peña, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, oral sex (m receiving), deepthroating, dirty talk, praise kink, massage, taking care of Javier, bath, man really thought he could still fuck with a bad back, banter, softness)

word count: 4.8k

a/n: Can be read as a standalone or part of the Learning to Live 'Verse.

There had been a plan made for how you and your boyfriend, Javier, would be spending your Friday night—dinner and a movie, the two of you wanting to see the new Tom Hanks film that took place during World War II

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There had been a plan made for how you and your boyfriend, Javier, would be spending your Friday night—dinner and a movie, the two of you wanting to see the new Tom Hanks film that took place during World War II. The acclaimed film critic Roger Ebert had given it four out of four stars and stated that it was a 'powerful experience.' You trusted Ebert's reviews, given he also gave Star Wars four stars, and you couldn't agree more when he said, "The movie's heart is in its endearingly human (and non-human) people."

So, dinner and a movie, a lovely date night with the love of your life, Javier Peña.

The moment you'd gotten home from work, you decided to get some chores done, doing the small amount of dishes in the sink when you heard the sound of the front door being unlocked. There was rustling in the other room, you picturing Javi taking off his shoes and emptying his pockets into the large bowl on the entryway table.

"Cielito?" He called.


Not even a minute later, arms were wrapping around your middle from behind, and a kiss was being pressed to your neck, making you smile.

A plate was held in one of your hands, a sponge in the other under soapy water. Turning your head to the side to glance at him over your shoulder, seeing him smiling.

"Hey, baby," you said.

"Hey, Cielito," he replied, leaning in and angling his head to kiss you on the lips. His mouth moved to trail along your jaw and neck, making you shiver from the tickle of his mustache.

"You excited for tonight?" You asked.

He hummed in the affirmative.

"Pop saw the movie last weekend with his buddies," his words were muffled into your skin.

Javi's dad, Chucho, was born and raised in Laredo. He had friends he'd grown up with and others he'd met, later on, forming a little group of older men who hung out together every Saturday night.

"Did he like it?" You asked.

He made you gasp when he sucked on your pulse point.

"Yeah," he finally answered after giving one last sloppy kiss to your neck. You went back to finishing the dish in your hands, Javi resting his chin on your shoulder, hugging you a little tighter. "He said it was really good."

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