Bluebonnet - Joel Miller

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Joel Miller x f!reader

summary: Is Joel Miller your friend? No. You're not even sure if he actually likes you or just puts up with you because of his kid. Then he kicks some guy's ass in a bar for getting handsy with you, and you're starting to think maybe he might like you a little...

rating: Explicit (18+!! No y/n, Grumpy Joel Miller, Protective Joel Miller, Soft Joel Miller, age gap (unspecified but reader was born before the outbreak), unprotected p in v (wrap it up), creampie, oral sex (f + m receiving), 69 position, dirty talk, praise kink, spanking, spit mention, slight breeding kink, Joel has a big dick, Joel being kinda a dick, a random guy harassing you then getting beat up by Joel, canon typical violence, icing Joel's knuckles, feelings confessions, Ellie being Ellie and the star of the show, AU where Joel doesn't lie to Ellie and their relationship is still good)

word count: 5.5k+

a/n: Literally, a scene in this woke me up from dead sleep at five in the goddamn morning, and I spent thirty minutes plotting the whole one shot while barely awake. This fic was very spur of the moment that I wrote in less than two days, so it's unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own. Please be horny about Joel protecting you with me.

 Please be horny about Joel protecting you with me

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Is Joel Miller your friend?


Are you on friendly terms?

You thought so.

Joel isn't the most social of fellas—he's basically a feral cat that wants to be left alone.

If you aren't friends with him, then how did you become the regular occupant of the seat across from his in the Jackson mess hall every breakfast and dinner?

The answer is simple: Ellie.

It all started months ago when you first got to Jackson and met the teen after being assigned to a job rotation with her. She was so excited about finding out you lived in Texas for many years before the world went to hell she invited you to eat dinner with her so you could meet someone, and that's how you were introduced to Austin-native Joel Miller.

He's a bit older than you, never smiles, and isn't much of a talker but still polite enough to answer a question if you ask it, even if it's more of a grumble at the start of the day. With Ellie, though, it was different. He talked to her, and his voice was like coming home after a long day and settling in on the couch—that familiar Texan accent making you feel all warm and comfy, his words wrapping around you like a tight blanket and taking you back to a time when things were good and safe.

The morning after the first dinner, Ellie had called you over to sit with them for breakfast, and again that evening, little bits of conversation happening between bites as you got a grasp on what the relationship was between this young girl and man—it was clearly father-daughter in nature even if she didn't call him 'dad,' and you savored every word she wheedled out of him.

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