Brunettes - Javier Peña

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Javier Peña x Bi!reader

summary: Apparently, Javier has noticed all the times you've commented on other women's beauty because he asks you a question you aren't expecting.

rating: Teen (Coming out, mild language, Javi's continued hate of Harrison Ford)

words: 798

a/n: I mentioned while answering an ask on Tumblr that I have a headcanon for Cielito in my long fic, Learning to Live, that she's bi, and someone else asked how she'd tell Javi. Now, again, this is just a headcanon and how I imagine things would go down. 

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon that was being spent in your underwear and an oversized t-shirt as you lay atop your boyfriend's bare chest on the couch

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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon that was being spent in your underwear and an oversized t-shirt as you lay atop your boyfriend's bare chest on the couch. Your ear was to his skin, and you were soothed by his heart's strong, steady beat while you watched some romantic comedy playing on cable.

"She's so fucking gorgeous," you said without thinking—you were pretty sure the actress's name was Salma Hayek.

"I guess."

You moved to look at his face.

"You guess? Do you have eyes?"

He looked at you with a frown.

"Yeah, I do have eyes, and I think you're even more gorgeous."

You scoffed. "Yeah, right."

He pinched your ass, and your body tensed. "Stop that shit—I'm serious."

You sighed, having a hard time believing he was telling the truth. "Fine."

He grabbed a handful of your backside, and you both went back to lying on him and watching the movie.

A few minutes later, he broke the silence. "Cielito?"


"I'm gonna ask you something, and you don't have to answer. I'm just curious."


"Are you... also attracted to women?"

The question had your heart rate speeding up.

"Um, wow, we probably should've talked about this sooner. I mean, we've been together for almost a month."

It wasn't something you'd been hiding from him, you just hadn't known how to tell him.

"Your answer isn't going to change anything," he reassured.

That made you feel better.

"It wouldn't bother you?"

"Why would it bother me? I don't care if you're attracted to men or women. All I care about is that you're attracted to me."

"I'm definitely attracted to you."

"I know."

"And yes, I do fancy ladies and dudes—I had a lot of fun in college. What gave me away?"

"You mean besides when we watched Star Wars last week, and you thought I didn't hear you whisper, 'I'd love to be the middle in a Han and Leia sandwich'?"

"Oh, god, I've been obvious," you said, pressing your forehead to his chest.

He rubbed his hands over your back. "Yeah, you have."

You frowned, lifting your head to look at him. "You must hate it when I say someone else is attractive."

He met your eyes with a raised eyebrow. "Are you gonna fuck them?"

"What? No."

"Are you gonna leave me for them?"

"No. It's never even crossed my mind."

"You can't help if you find other people attractive—so no, I don't hate it."


"—Unless," he cut you off with a grumpy look, "it's that asshole who plays Han Solo, 'cause I'm pretty sure you have a crush on him with how many of his fucking movies you've seen and all the shit you know about him."

"Harrison Ford?"

"Fucking Harrison Ford."

"Are you... jealous of Harrison Ford...?"

"No," he answered a little too quickly.

"Sure, Javi," you said in a tone that said you didn't believe him.

"I'm not fucking jealous." He smacked your ass, and you laughed. "He should be jealous that I'm the only one who gets to fuck you."

"See—then there's no reason to hate the guy since I'm dating you and only want you." Leaning forward, you kissed him. You pulled back and asked, "Is it just because he's a man it bothers you so much I like him? Or would you feel the same if it was a woman?"

He was pouting. "I'd feel the same..."

"Good." You kissed the tip of his nose.

"Is there a famous woman you like as much as that Ford guy?"

"Oh, I'm gonna let you figure that out on your own since you've got that big, sexy brain, and I wanna see if you can figure it out."

You could see him thinking hard as he looked away with his eyes a little squinted.

"Are you really trying to figure it out right this second?" you asked.

"Hold on."

"You're not gonna figure it out a minute after asking the question."

"There's this actress," he started, "I've noticed in a bunch of shit we've watched I thought might be your favorite, but I'm realizing you've just got a thing for brunettes." He looked at you. "I don't know her name, but I'm pretty sure it's the woman in that movie we watched Thursday night."

Your mouth fell open. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Am I right?"

"I'm just so fucking obvious."

"Yeah, you are."

"You wanna know who I have the biggest fucking crush on?"

He frowned. "...sure."

"This amazingly perfect guy named Javier Peña who has me head over heels for him."

He smiled. "Yeah?"

"Oh, yeah—" You leaned forward to kiss him, continuing to speak against his lips, "—I'd pick you over the other two in a heartbeat."


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