Interruption - Javier Peña

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Javier Peña x Reader

summary: Morning sex with Javier doesn't go according to plan.

rating: Explicit (No y/n, Soft Javier Peña, wall sex, unprotected p in v, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, coitus interruptus (Javi will make up for it), unintentional orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praise kink, Javier growling)

word count: 2.4K+

a/n: Can be read as a standalone or a part of the Learning to Live series.

It was a lazy Saturday morning, and you'd been awoken with soft kisses, that steadily progressed until Javier was on top of you, his hips slotted easily between your thighs, like it was where they were meant to be

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It was a lazy Saturday morning, and you'd been awoken with soft kisses, that steadily progressed until Javier was on top of you, his hips slotted easily between your thighs, like it was where they were meant to be.

He had an arm on the bed, holding himself up, his other palming your breast, while his cock moved slowly, deeply inside you, his mouth swallowing your moans, with his tongue tangling with your own. You felt so full, he was so thick and hard, sliding in and out, and rubbing against all the right spots that had your eyes rolling back in your head, your fingers threaded in his hair.

There was a steady pressure building in your core, ramping up with each press of his hips with yours. His hand moved to pull your leg higher up on his hip, changing the angle and causing your vision to white out when his cock rubbed along something delicious that had you gasping.

He broke the kiss, nipping at your chin.

"You gonna come for me, baby?" He rasped.

"Faster," you moaned, needing more.

He sped up, thrusting harder, and making you mewl. His lips wrapped around your stiff nipple, sucking hard, your back arching as jolts of pleasure shot straight to your pussy. You were getting closer, feeling the muscles tightening in your belly, chanting his name over and over in breathy moans, tugging on the thick brown strands between your fingers.

Ringing sounded from the bedside table on Javier's side of the bed, the man growling at the noise, his mouth coming off of you.

"Ignore it," he grunted, going faster, and kissing you, the sound from his cell phone making you lose focus, but trying your best to do as he said. Javi moved, rising to his knees, and lifting your ass, a bruising grip on your hips as he pistoned into you, grunting from the exertion, his cock steadily hitting against that one devastating spot with each wet slap of his hips. Your mouth had fallen open, gasping out his name while your legs shook, rocketing towards your release, so lost in your pleasure the continuing incessant noise was forgotten.

The coil in your belly was twisting, going tighter and tighter, feeling so close, your cunt spasming-

Your landline started ringing on the table beside you, Javi stopping mid-stroke and making you whine as your orgasm slipped away. He leaned over you angrily picking up the receiver.

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