Inappropriate Waving - Javi Gutierrez

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Javi Gutierrez x Reader

summary: Javi is adorable even when he's railing you.

rating: Explicit (18+!! This is smut. No y/n, unprotected p in v (wrap it up), creampie, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, dirty talk, (1) spank, smut and fluff, Javi is cute as fuck, reader understands Spanish and English)

word count: 1k

 You're pretty sure Javi is determined to make you see god—he's pounding into you from behind, punching into you so hard your moans are stuttering, arms shaking at holding yourself up from the blinding pleasure of him drilling into that spot that ...

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 You're pretty sure Javi is determined to make you see god—he's pounding into you from behind, punching into you so hard your moans are stuttering, arms shaking at holding yourself up from the blinding pleasure of him drilling into that spot that makes you lose your fucking mind.

The coil inside you is wound so tight you can taste the end, knowing you're almost there, Javi grunting, his fingers digging into your hips hard.

"Quiero que te vengas, mi alma (I want you to come, my soul)," he grunts. "Dámelo. Suéltate, mi amor (Give it to me. Let go, my love)."

His words are like a siren's song, the seductive rasp of the syllables becoming your undoing and sending you over the edge with a cry of his name—euphoria is coursing through your veins, hearing his thrusts get wetter from your release, the sounds of skin hitting skin, and Javi moaning as you clench around him.

"Eso es (that's it)," he groans, "Estás tan mojadita y apretadita (you're so wet and tight)."

He sounds absolutely wrecked, so drunk on your pussy, and you want to see him, want to see that look on his face at how good he feels. You're panting as you look over your shoulder.

His head is thrown back, the long line of his gorgeous neck on display, a sheen of sweat on his beautiful golden skin. His curls are a mess, his eyes closed, mouth slack, continuing to piston into you.

The grip on your hips tightens as he looks forward, opening his eyes, seeing them glazed over in lust.

He smiles when he finds you looking, raising a hand to wave.

"Hi," he rasps, still fucking into you.

A giggle bursts from your throat.

"You're so fucking cute, Javi," your words come out throaty and rough.

He grinds his hips, his hard cock moving slow and deep, letting you feel every ridge and vein, making your toes curl as you moan.

"Gracias (thank you)," he beams, winking at you. "Eres divina (you are divine)—you feel so fucking good," he groans, eyes closing for a moment, his hands squeezing the flesh of your ass. "¿Otra vez (again)? You want another, mi amor?"

"No," you gasp. "Wanna feel you," you bite your lip.

His eyes are so dark not even a sliver of the chocolate brown you love remains.

"Sí (yes)," he nods.

You feel a large palm smack your ass, making you moan, Javi pulling out of you.

"Want you on your back, sí?" he says, easily flipping you over and spreading your thighs. His eyes lock on your glistening pussy, tongue peeking out to swipe along his bottom lip. He can't help himself, ducking his head down to bury his face in your center, groaning as he licks up your slit.

"Javi," you moan, your fingers tangling in his hair.

You can hear his enjoyment while his mouth works, licking and sucking all over your wet heat, making your back arch when he pulls your clit between his lips harshly.

"Fuck, Javi. Fuck, you're gonna make me come again."

He groans at your words, lighting something inside him that has him eating you out with fervor, feeling that pressure building at the base of your spine as his tongue and lips expertly work you over. Your legs are starting to tremble, muscles tightening, gasping when he presses two fingers inside of you. He crooks them, and a second later, you're squeezing your eyes shut, fireworks dancing behind your eyelids, moaning his name as you come.

"Tan buena (so good)," Javi says when his head pops up. Your chest is heaving, feeling him crawl up your body while the pleasure works its way through your system. His lips press against yours, making you moan as he kisses you deeply, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him into you.

"Want you inside me," you murmur into his mouth.

He braces himself on an arm while the other hand grasps his cock, pushing into you in one smooth thrust, both of you groaning as he stretches you open.

Your fingers are tangling in his hair, his hips moving in and out of you, starting slow, while he kisses you, his tongue sliding along yours, tasting every inch of your mouth. He picks up speed, hearing the rough sounds in his throat while he chases his high, going hard and fast, the pleasurable push and pull of his cock making your eyes roll back in your head.

You know he's not going to last long, and you don't care because it feels so fucking good—you love how he feels inside you, the way he fills you over and over again, his body pressed against yours, mouth devouring your own. You're in heaven. Your orgasms have you feeling like you're on cloud nine.

His rhythm gets jerky, his face moving to the crook of your shoulder, hearing him grunting, his breath fanning against your skin.

He pushes into you hard. "Te amo (I love you)," he groans, feeling the wet pulse as he comes deep inside your depths.

Javi collapses on top of you, panting, your fingers playing with his hair while you both come down from your highs.

He's mumbling something that you can't hear.

"Hmm?" you hum.

Lips touch your neck, Javi kissing your skin.

"Eres el amor de mi vida (you are the love of my life)," he said, the sound muffled.

You pulled him up to look at you, a lazy smile on his face, looking blissed out, you smiling back.

"You're the love of my life," you replied, kissing him.

He was mumbling again against your lips, causing you to break the kiss and meet his eyes. He was looking at you with such adoration it made you suck in a breath.

"What, baby?" You asked.

He gulped.

"¿Te casarías conmigo (Will you marry me)?" He rolled the question off his tongue. He repeated the question in English.

Your eyes went wide.

"Really?" You asked.

"Sí," he nodded, eyes so big and round, seeing his love for you. "You would make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me. You're my everything—mi vida (my life)."

Tears were pooling in your eyes, nodding your head, while you smiled brightly.

"Yes! Yes, I will!"

The smile he gave you was blinding the dimple in his cheek appearing as he laughed, crashing his mouth against yours. 

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