but now I'm your daisy

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Joel Miller x Reader

summary: It's a random Thursday in the middle of spring, and Joel has a surprise for you—a surprise that's an hour away from Jackson on horseback, that he insists on blindfolding you for.

rating: T (No y/n, AGE GAP (unspecified, reader is an adult), Grumpy Joel Miller, a lil Possessive Joel Miller, FLUFF, it's so fluffy, established relationship, kissing, purposely annoying Joel until he snaps at you, Joel being secretly romantic, MARRIAGE PROPOSAL (it's so cute), cussing, did I mention fluff? Joel being so in love, Joel being the best dad to Ellie)

word count: 2.5k+

a/n: This can be read as a standalone or in the same universe as 'but I would die for you in secret.' An anon requested a 'fluffy cute fic with an age gap (No smut)' for Joel, and this extremely cute idea came to me that I wrote in one night. 

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"Are we there yet?" you ask for the thirteenth time in the span of an hour.

It's the perfect spring day with the temperature outside not too hot and not too cold, the air feeling a little crisp when it fills your nose. The sun's warmth is hitting your back, and you're sure that if you could see the sky, it'd be a beautiful, clear, cerulean blue—you can't see, though, not with the bandana over your eyes as you sit astride a horse, Joel on his own next to you holding his reins and yours to lead you.

His sigh is long and loud, and you can picture perfectly without having to look at his annoyed expression.

"No," he growls. "The same damn answer as the last dozen or so times you asked."

"Hey, don't get mad at me—you haven't spent an hour literally in the dark with no idea where the hell you're going."

"And I've told you it's a surprise," he rumbles.

"Well, are we close to this surprise?"

He sighs again, and you just know he's got the fingers of his free hand pressed to his brow. "I swear, you're just as bad as Ellie—neither of you seems to understand what a fuckin' surprise is." He takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "Now," he says calmly, "I don't know why you're purposely pushin' my buttons—"

"You ate the last of the ice cream last night," you interrupt. "The ice cream I worked hard to make that I was excited to eat as a late-night snack."

"You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me—how many times do I have to apologize? I'm sorry. I didn't know you were savin' it, and had I known, I wouldn't have eaten it. Will you please forgive me?"

"Did I annoy you enough that the thought crossed your mind to take us back home?"


"And you didn't because you love me so much you'll put up with my shit?"

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