Temptation - Dave York

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Dave York x Reader

summary: You're just trying to do your job teaching at a private school, but Dave York arrives with his daughter and takes an interest in you.

rating: Mature (Dave York comes with his own warning, he is a menace, dirty talk, sexual tension, Dave being a DILF)

word count: 1.1k+

You had a personal rule, and also a professional one stipulated by the private school you worked for, that you wouldn't get involved with a parent of a child you taught

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You had a personal rule, and also a professional one stipulated by the private school you worked for, that you wouldn't get involved with a parent of a child you taught. You wanted to keep a barrier between business and pleasure, and in all the years you'd spent in teaching, you'd never once been tempted. Sure, there'd been a fair share of attractive, single parents throughout the years, some had even asked you out, and yet you'd never given in, never wanted to give in. The risk had never been worth it. That is until David York strolled into your classroom at the beginning of the school year with his darling ten-year-old daughter Molly.

You, of course, thought he was attractive at a glance.

You'd helped Molly get situated with her cubby to put away her backpack and showed her where her seat was, and David followed, listening intently to his daughter talking excitedly, and replying in a more subdued, but still excited way to try and match her energy. It was honestly endearing, and he was definitely one of the better fathers you'd met—he seemed to actually care about his kid and her feelings. The being a good dad definitely made him appealing, but then you'd catch the looks he sent your way. When Molly's attention was elsewhere, his eyes were locked on you, and you'd caught him looking, staring at you like he was mentally removing the clothes from your body, and he didn't look ashamed at being caught; he simply smirked and turned his head to answer a question his daughter asked without missing a beat. The temperature of your body increased, swallowing thickly, tamping down the arousal that was making itself known in your belly. You found yourself eyeing his left hand, a thrill running through you when you saw there was no ring, and you quickly had to shut that down, because he was a parent and off limits. God, his hands were so big.

You'd had to step away from them to tend to the other kids and parents who had shown up, and when the children had been welcomed and seated, happily coloring or talking amongst themselves, and their parents left before the start of class, David was still lingering, and approached you while you filled out the attendance sheet at your desk in the corner of the room, away from the students.

"Mr. York, you're still here," you'd said, checking off names to the corresponding seating chart.

"Please call me Dave."

"You're okay to leave, David. Molly will be fine, see, she's made a friend," you said, pointing your pen at his daughter across the room, talking animatedly to her neighbor.

"Just Dave. I know Molly will be fine." You looked up at him, his thumb rubbing over his plump bottom lip that you suddenly wanted to bite. You had to shake the thought from your brain, his eyes on you in that same way, like he was trying to get a glimpse of what was underneath the layers.

You swallowed, feeling your skin heat.

"Okay, is there something else I can help you with?"

"Yes, there is. Can I take you out for a drink sometime?"

Your eyes went wide, mouth falling open. You cleared your throat, looking away.

"That's very, uh, forward," you said. "I, um, appreciate the offer, but I don't date parents. It's against school policy."

He moved closer into your space, and you could smell his cologne, your heart racing in your chest.

His voice went low and deep for only you to hear.

"Who said anything about dating?" He asked.

"David," you gasped. He wanted to fuck you, and suddenly that arousal was roaring back to life. You could feel your resolve crumbling with each ticking second that you tried to stop thinking about what he'd be like in bed. Those hands, his mouth. Your eyes glanced down to his waist, and you quickly averted them.

"Still just Dave. I know you want me," he rasped. "One night."

"I, um, I," you were having difficulty thinking and forming a coherent sentence, your heart hammering in your chest. You took a deep breath to collect yourself, finally braving to look him in the eyes. "This is really inappropriate. What if I was in a relationship?" You asked.

He smirked.

"They wouldn't have to know." Your mouth fell open. This man was trouble. "Are you?"

"...No," you answered.

"Then nothing to worry about, sweetheart."

"How would Mrs. York feel about it?" You asked. Just because there wasn't a ring didn't mean he wasn't attached.

"Divorced. She's happily dating her yoga instructor. Give me one night," he leaned in close, lips hovering over your ear as he whispered. "Give me one night to fuck your tight little pussy. I'll have you screaming my name and coming so many times you'll be ruined for anyone else."

"Fuck," you gasped out softly. You cleared your throat, was the room hotter? You could feel sweat beading down your back, flustered from his words, as your brain worked to come up with a response. "I..." you started. His offer sounded amazing, but you didn't want to lose your job over ill-advised sex. You made good money, with excellent benefits, and giving that all up for one night? It just wasn't worth it. "I..." you started again. "I, um, wow," he moved back to look at you, that knowing smirk on his face like he knew he had you. "Thank..." you swallowed. Why was speaking such a struggle? "Thank you," you finally said. "For the offer. Unfortunately, I must decline, David."

"Just Dave. The way you get flustered is adorable."

You felt your face heat.

The bell sounded at that moment, and you'd never been more thankful, letting out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding in.

"Well, this has been a great chat, David—"


"But I have to start class. The day ends at three."

"I'll see you then, sweetheart," he winked. "You'll give in."

It was your turn to lean into his space to whisper to him.

"My job is more important than sex."

He spoke just as softly.

"You'll change your mind once you've been with me."

You sucked in a breath. He moved away from you.

"See you at three, sweetheart." He walked away, stopping at Molly's seat to tell her goodbye and give her a hug.

It was the beginning of a man determined to make you give in to his temptation, eat the forbidden fruit as it were, and see all the wonders he beheld. But you knew how that story ended, the consequences if anyone found out, and the ruin it would cause your life. So, you had to persevere and be strong; remember all you had at stake. You could do that, right? 

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