2002 - Joel Miller

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Joel Miller x Reader

summary: Joel Miller said he didn't do sex on the first date, but now you're both naked on your couch.

rating: Explicit (18+!! This is smut. Pre-outbreak, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, dirty talk, praise kink, Joel be sexy AND adorable)

word count: 900+

a/n: This can be read as a standalone or as part of the September 'verse. It's them in my brain. This is just an expanded horny thought I had on how I imagine the first date would go with Joel. 

Long fingers have a tight grip on your hips, helping you bounce up and down in his lap, his thick cock sliding in and out, stretching you to your limits, filling you over and over, punching up into you hard enough it's pushing the air from your lungs

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Long fingers have a tight grip on your hips, helping you bounce up and down in his lap, his thick cock sliding in and out, stretching you to your limits, filling you over and over, punching up into you hard enough it's pushing the air from your lungs.

Every nerve in your body is lit up, still ramped up from coming on his hand earlier, his lips latched around your pebbled nipple, his tongue sweeping over it, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your cunt, moaning loudly, your fingers tangled in his brown waves of hair.

Joel had said he didn't do sex on the first date—that he was a gentleman and wanted to take you out a few times before jumping into bed with you. Well, you aren't in a bed, the couch soft beneath your shins, and after point blank telling him you wanted to suck his dick, that you didn't care much about propriety, and that you liked him very much, his rule went flying out the window as he let you pull him into your house.

"Oh, god, Joel," you moan. "You feel so fucking good."

He comes off your breast with a pop, looking at you with eyes glazed over in lust, his lips kiss swollen, face flush. Licking his thumb, he presses it between your bodies, circling your clit, and making you mewl, gasping his name.

"Yeah?" he rasps. "Your tight little pussy takes me so fuckin' well—I want you to come, baby. Lemme have another one."

The muscles are tightening in your belly, slamming your ass down over and over again, your arousal seeping out around him, the wet sounds where you're joined loud as you ride him in earnest.

He's so deep inside you, rubbing against spots you didn't even know existed, feeling so fucking full, electricity igniting under your skin. You're close, so close, heated pressure building at the base of your spine until euphoria explodes through your system, coming with a cry of his name.

Your body seizes up, clenching so hard you've stopped moving, sitting flush on his thighs.

"That's it," Joel groans. "My good fuckin' girl—fuck, you're chokin' my dick."

Thoughts are foggy, brain a pleasurable haze as you catch your breath, Joel happy to wait for you, his lap wet under you.

Meeting his gaze, his eyebrows are furrowed, sweat beading on his forehead, looking like it's taking everything in him not to come right that second.

"I want you to come inside me," your words come out rough, feeling him twitch inside you, his eyes squeezing shut, groaning. You run your fingers through his sweat-damp hair. "Wanna feel you—can I have it? Will you fill me up, make me drip? Please, Joel." You bite your lip between your teeth.

"Shit," he whispers, looking at you. "You're gonna be the fuckin' death of me." He knows you're on birth control, his hands grasping onto your waist again, making you grind on him, the hair at the base of his cock rubbing deliciously against your clit. "You want my come, baby? Want me to fuck you full of me?"

"Yes," you moan. "Want you to use me."

He swallows hard, using his strength to start moving you up and down his cock.

"You can have it," he grunts. "You can have whatever you fuckin' want." His eyes are so dark, looking at you with a burning gaze, seeing reverence, devotion, knowing he meant what he's saying.

Your hands go to his bare shoulders, riding him again, your thighs burning. He closes his eyes, face screwed up like he's in pain, grunting from exertion, loving how he feels inside you, knowing he's close. It's not much longer before he's speaking again. "I'm gonna come," he gasps. "Fuck, you're gonna make me come." He pulls you down onto him hard, a long strangled groan coming from his throat, feeling his cock jerk and warmth as he fills you.

"God, yes," you moan.

He grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue pushing between your lips, kissing the breath from your lungs.

Minutes pass as you both come down, languidly making out until Joel pulls back to look at you.

"Can I take you out again? I really fuckin' like you."

"After tonight? I would be upset if we didn't go on another date. I'm sorry, Joel, but you're perfect, and I don't think you're gonna be able to get rid of me."

He chuckles, a dimpled smile appearing on his face.

"I ain't perfect, but you sure as fuck are." He strokes your cheek. "I won't ever let you go—I'd be a dummy if I did, and I, uh, don't mean to be so forward, but tonight went really fuckin' well, and I'm wonderin' if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"

He looks nervous, and it's honestly the cutest shit.

He picked you up for the date at seven, and it's currently three in the morning, the two of you going to dinner, staying at the restaurant until it closed, then Joel driving you out to a field to stare at the stars because you both hadn't wanted the night to end—so engrossed in talking to each other, having the best time, that once the hour got ungodly, he finally drove you home.

Joel Miller was a catch, and you'd be stupid not to want him as a boyfriend.

You cup his cheeks, grinning.

"I would love to be your girlfriend."

His face lights up, finding yourself pulled once more into him as he kisses you, knowing this is the start of something truly special. 

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