Concerned - Javier Peña

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Javier Peña x Reader

summary: What your boyfriend Javier Peña is like when you have a bad day at work.

rating: Explicit (No y/n, Soft Javier Peña, oral sex (f receiving)(Javier gets pussy drunk), unprotected p in v, creampie, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, spit mention, come eating, (1) Papi, biting, (1) spank, multiple orgasms, naked female/clothed male, emotional comfort, Javier taking care of you)

a/n: Can be read as a standalone or a part of the Learning to Live 'verse. A future fic that takes place almost six months into dating Javier.

word count: 5.1k+

Mondays were always the worst—the first day back at work after spending your weekend with Javi and having a wonderful time together

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Mondays were always the worst—the first day back at work after spending your weekend with Javi and having a wonderful time together.

This Monday was spectacularly bad, everything that could go wrong, went wrong, and by the time you got home, you desperately needed a shower.

Normally, you waited for Javi to get home so you both could get clean together, washing the day away from one another before having dinner—it had been the routine for the nearly six months since you'd started dating. There were some nights, however, that the couple's shower didn't happen, and tonight was one of them, much to your disappointment. The moment you stepped through your front door, you were stripping off your work clothes and getting them into the washer before heading to the bathroom.

The day's events had exhaustion seeping into your bones, and standing under the spray of steaming hot water made you sigh softly. It felt amazing, feeling the stress wash away as you scrubbed at your skin, the heat relaxing your tight muscles. You washed your hair, and by the time you were done, the mirror had fogged up, and a thick layer of steam was permeating the air.

The shower helped a little bit, and you were happy to be clean as you dried off and took care of your hair. You still weren't a hundred percent, the day weighing on you, your mind replaying the events, and wondering what you could've done differently. When you finished in the bathroom, you walked naked into the bedroom to grab some clothes.

You heard the sound of the front door being unlocked while trying to decide what underwear you wanted to wear.

"Cielito?" Javi's voice called, hearing his padded footsteps getting closer.

"In the bedroom," you replied, finally deciding on a pair and picking them up.

"You showered?" His voice came from behind you, and you turned around, finding him standing just inside the door with his lips turned down and big brown eyes looking a little sad.

He'd removed his suit jacket, leaving him in his matching charcoal slacks and white dress shirt, the first few buttons already undone. The burgundy tie he wore that morning was missing and if you had to guess, discarded on the back of the couch with his jacket.

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