September Part 4 - Joel Miller

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Joel Miller x Reader

summary: Joel Miller didn't get a chance to marry you twenty years ago, and now that you're back together, he's not wasting any more time—especially after you both bared your souls the night before, revealing your darkest secrets to make your bond unbreakable.

rating: Explicit (No y/n, alternating POV, age gap (10 years), unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, dirty talk, praise kink (Joel gets called a good boy), spit mention, spanking, Joel should've stuck to missionary, flashback to the first meeting, handwavey medical jargon, mention of period typical sexism, emotions, tons of banter, LOTS of fluff, wedding, Ellie taking her best man duties seriously, Ellie's handkersleeves, sweet Joel & Ellie father-daughter moments, Tommy being a little shit, Ellie giving Joel so much shit, dancing with Joel, Joel playing guitar, angst with a happy ending, confessions, emotional hurt/comfort, talk of pregnancy loss (stillbirth), talk of child loss, grief/mourning, talk of suicide attempt (Joel), TLOU tv/game spoilers)

word count: 24.8k+ (This is who I am.)

a/n: I'm planning to put this series in its own book before the next chapter!

a/n: I'm planning to put this series in its own book before the next chapter!

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July 2002 - Austin, Texas

The clinic wasn't your first pick for where you wanted to do your residency to become a doctor; it wasn't even your fifteenth choice. You applied to fifty programs across the entire country, hoping for a bustling hospital in a big city or a large clinic somewhere you could have the opportunity to explore different specialties—pediatrics calling to you, but also interested in internal medicine and surgery. And yet, out of fifty applications, the place that accepted you was a family medicine clinic in Austin, Texas.

But what had you expected? You weren't a prime candidate due to being a lot younger than others fresh out of medical school, and the real nail in the coffin is you're a woman; gender bias in the medical field is absolutely astounding.

So, here you are in this clinic with its beige walls and oak wood accents, sitting at a desk reading over the chart of a patient the attending physician said would be easy enough for you to handle on your own, with it only being your second week in the program.

The patient is Joel Miller, a thirty-four-year-old male complaining of knee pain. This is his follow-up appointment after he had scans done the previous week, and your job is to go over the treatment plan the physician has already decided on.

Your nose crinkles at the other doctor's notes, seeing he isn't offering a long-term solution but instead is basically shoving a band-aid over a gaping wound that will progressively get worse over time.

That wouldn't do; already figuring out better options in your mind that would have lasting effects and offer relief—that's something that drew you to medicine in the first place, always having to solve puzzles, making your brain work to help people and save lives.

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