September Part 2 - Joel Miller

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Joel Miller x Reader

summary: Twenty years ago, Joel Miller was the love of your life. On the day of the Outbreak, you'd gotten separated and never saw him again—imagine your surprise when you find out the smuggler Marlene hired to bring the immune girl to your research hospital is none other than the man you thought you'd lost forever.

rating: Explicit (alternating POV, age gap (10 years), oral sex (f receiving), face-sitting, vaginal fingering, coming untouched, dirty talk, praise kink, canon-typical violence, minor character death, slight angst, emotions, love confessions, mentions of PTSD, handwavey medical jargon (went to google medical school for this one), Ellie being a cockblock, Ellie giving Joel so much shit, TLOU finale speculation, TLOU tv spoilers, TLOU game spoilers)

word count: 16.6k+

a/n: This goes over reader and Joel's reunion after twenty years of being apart. It is dramatic and a fun ride. I'm playing fast and loose with game canon to speculate how the show finale will go, and this chapter follows a bit of how it goes in the game, with me taking some liberties. 

20 Years After the Outbreak

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20 Years After the Outbreak

He can't fucking believe it.

He's at a loss.

Months Joel spent with this little girl, bringing her across the country, keeping her safe, protecting her with his life—fucking Tess lost hers getting Ellie to the Fireflies, and they're just going to kill her in order to reverse-engineer a vaccine? She was a lamb to the slaughter. He'd inadvertently brought her to her death.

Anger is threading in his belly, pissed off over everything he went through, feeling like it was all for nothing, not if she's going to die.

They're in a hospital that's being used by the Fireflies to try and find a cure, Ellie taken from him, Joel kneeling on a hospital room floor after an armed guard had hit him, listening to Marlene talk about how this was harder for her due to her history with the girl.

Joel rolls his eyes because if she actually gave a shit about Ellie, she wouldn't let this happen.

There has to be another way.

He has to find Ellie.

He almost lost her getting here, and he isn't going to just step back and let her die, the world be damned, he can't lose another person he cares about, not if he can help it. He'll do everything in his power to find her and get her the fuck out of here—she's too important to him.

Marlene's in front of him, the guard at her side.

"This isn't about me, her, or you," she tells him. "There is no other choice here—my hands are tied."

He scoffs, moving to sit on his ass and resting his arms on his knees, glaring at her. "Yeah," he sneers, "you keep tellin' yourself that bullshit if it helps you sleep at night."

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