Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Next Entry

When they woke up the next morning they started the day just like they would have started any day of the school year. Jen woke up about an hour before Mike and started a pot of coffee since they didn’t prep it to auto start the night before. She took a shower and dressed while it was brewing. When she got out of the shower she woke Mike and then he took his turn in the shower. They barely spoke, only to say excuse me as they stepped around on another in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The events of yesterday still lingered on them and neither had fully recovered from them. Mike was the first one to try a conversation.

“You ok Jen?” He asked as they stood in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating bagels with cream cheese. “I mean ok as you can be anyways?”

“Yeah I’d be lying if I said I was fine but I’m ok as I can be I guess.” She took a sip of coffee “Did you recognize the voice?” She half looked at him.

“You mean was it Wes’s?” He looked at her.

“I don’t know I mean who knows what could have happened…” Her voice trailed off as she saw a slight look of anger on his face. “Sorry I just don’t know what to make of any of this or how to feel.”

“It wasn’t Wes.” He took a sip of coffee. “I understand Jen but I can’t believe it was him. Yes he was probably angry at me but that wasn’t him on the front porch and that wasn’t his voice.”

She nodded and began to nibble on her bagel. She sat there silent for a few more minutes. “I mean what the hell was that yesterday?” Her voice showed that she was still clearly shaken.

“I’m not sure but the only thing I can think to do is to read through some of his journal and see if maybe there is something in there about what is in that house. What is in there and why it got like that towards us.”

“That’s a good idea.” She glanced over at the clock on the wall. 7:15 she stood up. “We better get going. Are you going to have time to look through them though? It’s not like you’ll be having a ton of free time you’re going to be practicing hard.”

“That’s true.” He gulped down the rest of his coffee. “Classes usually let up some with homework for these two weeks so maybe I’ll have some.”

“I can look through them.” She grabbed the car keys off the table. “I mean if that’s ok with you. I have a lighter load during the week.”

“Yeah that’s a good idea. Maybe you’ll be able to find something out.”

“You sure?” I don’t want to overstep boundaries.”

“I’m sure babe.” He smiled at her. “You can let me know if you find anything in them.”

She smiled back at him. It was the first time she had smiled since yesterday.

They made their way out the door closing it behind them.

The rest of the morning and first part of the afternoon passed in a blur like it did most weekdays during football season. Mike went to classes and then immediately after went straight to practice. It felt good to get back on the field. The football field was his territory it was where he felt free and in control. From the time he called the play in the huddle, to taking his team to the line, to the end of the play everything else was gone it was just him and his men and their battle against the eleven savage blood thirsty men across from them.

Practice was intense like it normally was at this time of the year with a bowl game riding on the line. Two more wins is what they are shooting for and the coach was working them hard to get them ready. When practice was over he took off his gear put on his warm ups and left not even sticking around to get a shower.

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