Chapter 18 part 1

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Chapter 18 pt1

Last of the Entries


I have decided to buy the old house. Things with Emily and me have been going very well and I need a place so why not just buy it. I spend most of my free time there anyways so it just makes sense. I turn eighteen in a week so on my birthday I am going to go down and buy the house and then go there and spend my birthday night there and show her the deed. She has asked me to get a few things for the night she knew I wanted to spend the night there anyways. Me buying the house is a surprise though and she doesn’t know yet and I can’t wait to show her. She said she has a surprise for me too but I’m not sure exactly what. Like I said she gave me a list of things to get it’s a very small list but still it’s some candles and some matches. Maybe she’s making me a cake, though she wants the full size ones and the holders so guess I will have to wait and see.

I’m pretty sure me buying the house will be exciting but I’d like to fix it up I will have all summer off before I start med school and would like to get some of it done then. I’m not the handiest of men so I’m guessing I’ll be hiring people. I just don’t know how that will go over with “Him”. I have only had a few more incidents with him but none as bad as the first one. I know that people have issues when they renovate a house that is supposed to be haunted, it upsets the spirits inside. They feel like someone is messing with THEIR house and I know “He” thinks it is still HIS house. I’ve been thinking about looking into different things to maybe confine him in his box or get rid of him completely with some kind of spell or magic or even maybe an exorcism. I’m afraid for the exorcisms though don’t like the idea of it doing something to Emily so trying to focus on him alone. Think my best option would be someone who can cast a confinement spell (If it’s even a real thing I mean I’m not even sure what to believe is real anymore with the things that have happened in my life as of recent) but I don’t know what all our options are. Which I’ll have to go figure that out, I’m afraid to ask Emily right now till I get more info I know she is kind of scared of “Him” so we’ll talk once I get more info on it all.


Well I went down and talked to a relator about the house and it is for sale. A couple bought it years ago and they have never been able to sell it so not only can I buy it BUT I’ll get it for a steal too. The relator said they tried living in it about twenty years ago but it only lasted a month they had bad experiences in it and moved out shortly after. I bet they did have bad experiences there. Emily never told me about them though of course we’ve never really talked about past owners or how long she has been there for that matter. Anytime we start to talk about her death she stops. I never pry I am sure that it is upsetting to her to have to think of the day it all ended and she became what she is now. I love everything she is now but I still feel bad for her not being able to live her life and have a family all of that has already been taken away from me but I think it would be harder for her just the way she talks about her family I can tell she was very family orientated. I am sure that it has taken a long time to come to terms with it though and from our talks it seems like she has. As well as anyone could anyways.

Back on topic though… I can buy the house now if it is a cash sale which is what it will be so the house is pretty much mine have to go tomorrow and finalize the papers and sign them. I won’t get the deed right away though but I can show her the papers that show I own it and I am sure that will have the same surprise factor as an actual deed would. Hope she is happy I would imagine she would be but it’s truly hard to say for sure. In the process of deciding to buy it I came up with a couple reasons she would not be happy I bought it but they seem like I’m fishing for reasons. I am going to have to go with she WILL be happy and I am excited about telling her. Now I just have to not let it slip.

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