Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The First Entry

Mike woke up and rolled on his back. He felt like it should be late however the lack of light coming in from the window told him it was still way too early for him to be awake. He turned and looked for his phone so he could check the time. What did I do with it? His hand fumbled around the headboard but it wasn’t there. Shit I remember now it’s on the desk by the door. He gently pulled his arm out from under Jen’s head trying not to wake her.

“What are you doing?” Jen asked groggily as she rolled to her other side. She was now facing Mike with eyes closed.

“Shhhh… Just checking the time. Go back to sleep sweetie.”

She was back asleep before he finished his first sentence.

Mike slowly started uncovering himself and sliding out of bed. He only moved a few inches at a time trying not to wake her up again. When he had finally managed to make his way out of bed he went to the desk and grabbed his phone. He pressed the button and a big blue box with the words Wes Joyner new text message lit up the darkness.

The image made his heart rise to his throat and nearly beat its way out of his body and the hair on the back of his neck rise. He froze in place not able to do anything not sure what was going on. What the hell? Has to be an explanation. Mike stood frozen then the screen went dark. Not having that little blue box shining in his face seamed to allow him to think. His parents. Yeah his parents probably have his phone and sent me a text. He pressed the button and brought it back to life and with a swipe of his thumb the next screen showed and there he was with his arm wrapped around Jen after his win against a rival school. He brought his thumb over his text icon and held it there then finally was able to press down. His screen went white as his text messages loaded then a second later there it was.

Be careful.

Be careful? He stood there staring and thinking. Yeah it was his parents they sent me a text telling me to be careful on my ride home. They never were good at texting so using Wes’s phone was easier. This made him feel a little better about the situation. He told himself a few times that it was his parents and after a few more times he was done thinking about it completely convinced he was right. It had occurred to him now though that he had never checked the time so once again with a press of a button he brought his phone to life and looked at the time. Damn it’s only four thirty.

He stood there debating on whether he even wanted to try to go back to sleep or just stay up. He knew he’d toss and turn and never fall back asleep so staying up was his only actual option.

He thought about what he was going to do until everyone was awake. He didn’t have to think long though because as he went to grab his shirt off the desk there sat the bag with his dress clothes and on top of it all was the flash drive with Wes’s journal on it. He grabbed it and quietly opened the door and tip toed his way down the stairs. The halls and stairs were all carpeted so it made it easy to sneak down the stairs. Mike found it useful a few times back in his high school days.

He slowly made his way down the hall using his phone as a makeshift flashlight. As he came to the end of the hall a large shape just outside the brightness of his phone flew across the room.

“Shit!” startled he dropped his phone which landed lighted side down. He took two more steps and made it to the edge of the living room he reached in and flipped the light switch. When the room lit up he saw his cat Peyton sitting on the dining room table staring at him. “You’re such a shit head. You know that right?” Mike turned and grabbed his phone off the ground and turned the screen off. He made his way to his dad’s chair. He usually kept his laptop in the end table that sat next to it. Sure enough there is sat folded up sitting in the bottom of the end table. Mike pulled it out opened it up and turned it on. He decided he’d grab a drink while he waited for it to boot up so he stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

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