Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The Secrets of Wesley’s Hidden Journals

Mike sat on the couch eye lids growing increasingly heavy as he flipped through page after page of Wes’s hand written journal. Jen was sleeping with her head in his lap which put him at a bit of a crossroads. He needed to get up and move around before he fell asleep but he couldn’t do so without waking Jen. How am I going to do this? He thought to himself as he stared down at Jen’s peaceful face. Maybe I can lift and scoot. He thought as he began to slowly and gingerly scooped her head up to give himself enough room to scoot out. The plan worked long enough to lift her head but the second he attempted phase two and scooted to the side her eyes shot open.

“Where are you going?” She asked half asleep. She raised herself up into a sitting position. ‘What’s wrong?” Her eyes barely open.

“Nothing.” He stood up and began to stretch. “Just needed to get up I was starting to doze off.”

“Go to sleep then.” She was now lying with her head on the arm of the couch.

“I will in a bit just reading through those.” He pointed towards the journals that he sat on the coffee table. “I won’t be much longer. Why don’t you head up to bed?”

“I’ll wait.” She said her eyes now closed.

“Ok.” He hadn’t really expected her to go but he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be up and he didn’t want to wake her every time he got up. Thinking to limit his getting up, he grabbed his glass and made his way into the kitchen. “Grabbing a drink and then I’ll be back in.” He was expecting a response and when none came he poked his head through the kitchen doorway and saw that Jen had fallen back asleep. He quickly refilled his glass with ice and a decent amount of bourbon then made his way back to his seat on the couch. He took a large gulp from his glass then sat his glass down and picked up the journal again and started reading.

“Anything in it?” Jen asked in a sleepy half audible tone. She must have woken when he sat down.

“So far just a lot of stuff about him being sick and not wanting anyone to know.” Mike looked over to Jen and she was asleep once again. He smiled as he began to read through the journal again.

About half an hour and half a glass of bourbon later he had finally finished the first journal. As he closed it he started to think about their friendship and how he felt like he wasn’t near the friend to Wes as Wes was to him. The thought that Wes didn’t want to tell him about being sick because he was afraid it would change how he or anyone else would look at him was an unpleasant one. When he first read that he was hurt but given what happened later with Emily he began to get angry with himself. I was such a shit friend. He thought to himself as he picked up his drink and downed the rest of it. He shot up out of his seat not thinking but it hit him a second later. He looked over and saw Jen’s eyes open.

“Drink.” He grabbed his glass off the coffee table and made his way to the kitchen. He quickly made himself another drink and began to drink it as he leaned against the counter.

I wasn’t a bad friend. What was I supposed to think towards the end? That’s bullshit to put that all on me. He thought as his mind raced and he sipped on his drink. ”Screw it.” He tossed back the rest of his drink and quietly made his way to the front door. He looked over at Jen and saw that she was still asleep so he quietly opened the door and with one last glance at Jen he slipped through the door. He walked past the car and made his way on foot to Wes’s house.

The night air was cool against his skin and worked to calm him down. His mind was still set. He still planned on walking down there and demanding Wes talk to him. That was the whole reason he even agreed to do this and come on this trip and after the earlier events in the house he wasn’t sure how the rest of the time would play out.

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