Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


“How?” Mike asked as he leaned against the bed. “How do we do it while not sending Emily and Wes with him?”

“Well I have been giving this some thought actually.” Tracy said. “Grant and I were discussing it the other day.”

Jen looked over towards Grant. “Are you a Wiccan too?”

Grant smiled. “No not really she’s been showing me stuff but I’m not officially one. I mean it hasn’t been in my family for generations like it has hers.”

“Oh, I was just wondering.” Jen turned back to Tracy. “Sorry have a bad habit of blurting out questions.”

“It’s ok.” Tracy said with a smile. “So if we try a type of banishment spell I can’t guarantee it won’t take them too.” She saw a look of disappointment begin to form on Mike’s face. “However I did think of something. I remember reading about a spell to capture an evil spirit in a box.”

“A box?” Mike had a tone of disbelief. “Seriously?” He paused unsure of what to say so he said the first thing that came to him. “Why a box?”

“Well it can’t be just any box.” Tracy stood up and walked over to her bag that she brought that contained her clothes. She reached in and pulled out a large book then brought it and sat back down by Mike and Jen. She began to flip through page after page till she came to a page that had a large a picture of a large tree with beautiful white flowers all over it. “It has to be a box made of rowan and it needs to be lined with mirrors.”

“Why does it need lined with mirrors?” Mike asked. “And why the certain type of wood?”

“I need to etch a spell in each piece of mirror. With the spell written on the mirror they will act as a barrier trapping the spirit inside.” She spun the book around showing them the picture of the large tree. “This is the Rowan tree. Its wood acts as a barrier too.”

“Oh.” Grant interrupted from behind. “That’s the tree you plant near an entrance to keep out evil spirits.” His face lit up in a smile. “I remember you telling me about that.” He said in a proud voice. It was obvious he wanted to show Tracy how much he had been paying attention to everything that she’s been telling him.

“Yep.” She smiled at him showing her excitement at his attentiveness. “I figure between the mirrors and the rowan the box should hold him.”

“Should?” Mike asked. He was looking for a more permanent solution. The idea of them putting themselves in danger for a maybe solution just didn’t sit right. Warren had easily killed Emily and nearly Wes not to mention he began to drag Jen across the room and luckily for her Emily had intervened and that all took seconds. “How long will this take? I mean to cast the spell or enchantment it’s too dangerous to be in there for long.”

“I can only say should Mike. This is stuff I have never done before so I can’t guarantee anything I can only try.”

“Do you think you can actually do it Trace?” He paused as he looked her in the eyes. “Honestly?” He glanced over towards Jen then back to Tracy. “Once he finds out what we are doing I have a feeling he isn’t going to be happy so hard to say what he will do.”

Tracy sat in silence looking down at her book. “I can do it.” She looked back up at Mike. “If we can get everything we need I can do it.”

Mike smiled whether it was real or not no one knew for sure but either way judging by the new smile and look of confidence on Tracy she believed it to be real. “Ok then, what’s the plan and what are we going to need?”

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