Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


Tracy took the piece of rope and began to rub each end on the pavement driveway. When each end was well frayed she brushed the ends off and dug a lighter out of her pocket. She turned to Grant. “Where hold these two ends together.”

Grant took the robe and pressed the two ends together.

Once Tracy was satisfied on the way it looked she lit the lighter and slowly began to run the flame around the rope successfully fusing the two sides together to make a solid piece of rope. She walked to the car she and Grant drove and reached in a brown cloth sack and pulled out a small paper package. “Ok follow me.” They all followed Tracy who made her way to the backyard and found the biggest open area. “Make a large circle out of the rope.” She undid the brown paper package that was in her hand while the three stretched out the rope making it into a near a perfect circle as they could. “Ok everyone in the center.” Everyone made their way silently into the center of the circle and Tracy began to slowly walk around the inside edge sprinkling the contents of the package on the rope as she walked. No one spoke as she made her way around the circle. Once she was done she joined them in the middle. “This will keep out spirits so none can enter and if I’m right they won’t even be able to see inside.”

“We can test that can’t we?” Jen asked. “I mean if we find Emily?”

“I can go see if I can get her.” Mike said. “Think we should let her in on the plan anyways.”

“Ok that’s a good idea but before you go.” Tracy ran to the car and dug out her large book of spells then came running back. “Ok everyone stand together please.” She opened the book and began to flip through the pages till she came upon the page she was looking for. “Ok let me get in the middle of you three.” She lined them all up so they surrounded her. “By the dragon’s light, on this January night I call to thee to give me your might. By the power of three I conjure thee to protect all that surrounds me. So mote it be, so mote it be.”

They stood there in silence unsure of what to do now waiting for an explanation.

Tracy closed her book and smiled. “That was a protection spell it should keep you safe when you’re in the house. Just a warning Warren is a powerful entity so it will only hold up to so much so still be careful.” She turned to face Mike who was standing to her right. “Find Emily and bring her out so we can see if she can see into the circle then I can cast a spell that will let her and only her in.”

“Ok I’ll try and find her.” Mike made his way towards the house while everyone else began unloading the items per Tracy’s instructions.

Mike made his way into the house and headed straight up stairs. He figured if she was anywhere she would be in the room with the wardrobe or the one with the drawings. He tried the drawings first but she wasn’t there or she didn’t want to be seen he thought. Set on finding her though he made his way to the wardrobe and sure enough there she was standing at the back of the room watching out the window. “Hi” He whispered as he slowly walked to her.

“Hello.” There was sadness in her voice. “I have been watching you all going in and out of the back yard.”

“Oh?” Mike was now standing beside her looking down into the backyard. “What all have you seen?”

“Well I saw a lot and then nothing at all.”

“That’s great.” Mike shot her a smile follow me. He led the way out the back door and into the back yard. He could see the three hard at work they had already set up the fire pit in the middle of the circle and Tracy had the turkey fryer just about set up. “Stay here for a sec.” He walked into the circle. “Trace!”

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