Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Tracy’s Confession

“Mike we should go back to the house.” Jen stood up and held out her hand.

“Yeah.” He took Jen’s hand and slowly stood up. “Yeah we should.”

Jen looked over at Emily who stood there quiet. “We should go.”

Emily nodded “Yes.” She turned her gaze to Mike. “I don’t know exactly what to say. I’ve had this conversation over and over again but I never thought I would really have it.”

“I don’t know either.” Mike looked at Emily returning her gaze. “My whole life has been a lie and everyone decided I didn’t need to know the truth.” He turned towards the gate to leave. “I don’t blame you.” He looked back at Emily. “You did what you could to keep us safe.”

Emily nodded. “Thank you. I wish I could change it all I really do.”

Mike nodded and he and Jen walked home hand in hand.

“What are you going to do?” Jen asked Mike as they approached the door of his parent’s house. “Are you going to say anything to your parents?”

“I don’t know.” He opened the door and walked into the house. He walked past the living room and made his way up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Jen asked in a whisper as he didn’t go to their room.

“Talk to Tracy.” He walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door.

“Why?” Jen asked with a questionable glance.

Mike knocked on the door again. “She has some things to tell us.” Mike raised his hand to knock again but the door slowly opened.

“Hi, I thought you would be by so I’ve been waiting. Tried sleeping but didn’t work so well.” She looked up at Mike knowing that he had questions. A look of guilt crossed her face and her eyes began to redden and well up as she tried to hold back tears.

“Hello Tracy.” Mike said as he walked by her into the room.

Jen slowly walked in after him unsure of what was going on. “Hey Trace.” She shot her a smile.

“You have been keeping things from us Trace.” Mike walked to the bed and sat down next to Grant who you could tell wasn’t exactly sure what was going on from the confused look on his face. “I just had a long talk with Emily.”

“Oh?” She asked and a hint of excitement crossed her face. “When? Where?”

“At their house, I went to call Wes out but I didn’t take my key so I couldn’t get inside. So I went and had a seat in the backyard and she came to me.”

“That’s incredible.” A small smile crossed her face.

“Yeah it was unbelievable it... Feels almost as if it was a dream, like it wasn’t real” He paused as he shook his head. “But it was and what she said was true. Explains why when she was talking I could see things so vividly.” He brought his hand up and rubbed his eyes. “It’s just so unbelievable.”

“That’s not an uncommon feeling really. You just have to tell yourself that it did happen.” Tracy said.

“Yes it happened.” He looked up at her. “I just found out that my parents aren’t my parents and my real mother was killed by that piece of shit ghost in that house right in front of my eyes when I was four. That evil vile disgusting thing who didn’t get enough jollies torturing girls when he was alive he still has to do it when he’s dead.”

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