Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Supply Run

“I’ll make a list then.” Tracy grabbed her book and began flipping through the pages. “I need some paper and a pen.”

“I’ll get it.” Mike stood up and disappeared through the door. He quietly walked into his room across the hall and began searching for pen and paper on his old desk. It wasn’t hard to find and he was back in the room with everyone else in no time at all. “Here ya go.” He handed them to Tracy.

“Thanks.” She flipped open the notebook to the first blank page and began to write stopping here and there to flip the pages of her large spell book. “We are going to need a lot of stuff.” She jotted a few more things down and finally closed her book and sat the notebook and pen on top of it. “Not going to be cheap and some of it will be tricky to find.”

“Not a problem we can use tomorrow to get everything ready and then plan to do it the next day. What do you think?” Mike picked up the notebook and tore the paper out of it.

“Sounds good.” Tracy picked up her book. “We should get some sleep.” She stood up stepped over to her bag and put the book away.

“Agreed.” Jen followed suit and stood up.

“Ok so we’ll get some sleep then meet down stairs in the morning and go from there.” Mike got to his feet. “Just meet down there when you get up no point and getting up at a certain time.” He took Jen’s hand and they made their way out of the room, across the hall in into Mike’s old room.

Jen closed the door behind them then took off her bra and tossed it on the desk across the room. “Do you think any of this is going to work?” Jen asked as she slid her pants to the ground. “I mean it’s all so much.” She pulled the covers down on the bed and crawled in.

Mike took off his shirt and pants and joined her in bed. He pulled the covers up over them and then laid back in the bed. “I don’t know a few days ago no but after everything that has happened I think it very well could.” He wrapped his arm around Jen as she snuggled next to him and placed her head on his chest and draped her top arm over him. “Tracy seems pretty sure it will or it’s possible anyways and we have to trust her.”

“Yeah it’s just all so much.” She began to rub her hand across his chest. “Did you decide if you were going to say anything to your mom and dad?”

“No I haven’t I don’t see much point in saying anything. Not to mention if I do then they will just think you told me and that will cause problems so I’ll probably just wait a while and see what happens.”

“That’s true I was pretty adamant on them telling you so they probably would jump to that.”

Mike began to stroke her hair as her head laid on his chest. “Get some sleep we have another busy day tomorrow.”

“Yeah I suppose we do.” She lifted her head and kissed mike on the chest then laid her head back down. “Love you.”

He leaned up and kissed the top of her head. “Love you too.”

They laid there for hours both pretending to be asleep but both awake and thinking about what had happened and what could happen the next day. It wasn’t till a couple hours later that sleep finally took Jen and Mike wasn’t long after.

When Mike woke Jen was still sleeping but at some point in time she had rolled off him and over further on her side of the bed. He slowly climbed out of bed as quietly as he could trying hard not to wake her. He pulled on his pants and walked over to his bag of clothes and dug out a shirt. Then he made his way out the door quietly closing it behind him. He pulled his shirt over his head as he began to walk down the hall and then down the stairs. When he made it down stairs he saw that he was the first one there so he went to the kitchen and heated up some leftover food from last night put on a pot of coffee and then sat down to eat. When he was about half way done with his food he saw Tracy appear from the stairs.

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