Cap. 4: Heat

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As they agreed Jane took care of Brett helped by doctor Martins and he avoided being around alphas, but he knew that his heat was approaching. Jane was able to find some documentations about her suspicions and she confirmed that a strong reaction was symptom of a compatibility out of the ordinary. Eddy obv didn't have reactions because he was always under suppressants when he was around Brett. She also found a way to prove it physically and made some test with their saliva. Brett was happy he didn't have to repeat the test with the alphas and spitted in the glass without making many issues. Even Eddy agreed in making the test, little he knew that he was basically testing how well he could mate with the patient, but at least now they were starting to know why Brett had a nosebleed.

The beginning of his heat should have been in about two days now and despite hating it he had to see Eddy to change the molds in stronger ones. Eddy knew that an omega could lose his mind during his heat so he made sure to bring all the necessities to redo the medication in order to save his work. In other two weeks' time they should have been able to start the physiotherapy and now that Jane had found the reason why the boy had the strange reaction the two could be in a room together for more than two minutes without risking their lungs. She obviously avoided telling them what was the real reason, but she knew her bet would have been over within few months.

Eddy: "Good morning, Brett"

Brett: "Morning"

He spat out drily as the man entered the room

Eddy: "You still don't like alphas I see, don't worry I'll do it quickly"

He reassured the boy with a warm smile. He strolled the cart in and placed it near the bed. On the wooden surface there was a series of strange tools, bandages and gauzes. Eddy noticed immediately that Brett made a strange face taking a look at the cart

Eddy: "Don't worry, it's not a painful procedure. The bad it's already gone, now we just have to make sure that they heal correctly and with a heat in the middle it's not easy but I dealt with I'll help you remove the left hand from the sustain"

Brett's hands had been constantly hanged on two sustains made with a soft fabric, and he was given the order to move them at least some minutes in the morning and in the evening for the circulation.

Eddy gingerly approached the hangers and unlocked the first one taking the hand in the mold in his and placed it gently on the cart surface.

Eddy: "Now I'll cut this open and remove the gauze, change every medication and if necessary, resewing some stitches, but from what I knew from Jane you've been a perfect patient so I don't think I'll find something"

Now that he could actually see Brett's eyes, he found himself not minding them. The boy had been able to regain a normal physical shape in the short two weeks he hadn't see him: his bruises had changed from purple to light green and his face was almost not swollen anymore permitting Brett to wear a new pair of glasses they made him. Yes, the hospital team made them, because from what they learned Brett didn't have any relative nearby and really few friends. Eddy hated those kinds of patients because he always felt in the need to keep them company and many times he learned they were just so lonely. Let's be clear he didn't hate the person, he hated the situation they were in because many times it was not their fault, they were just forced by the circumstances. And even now every time he looked at Brett, he knew that it was not his fault, he had a really rutted hate for alphas, something must have happened

The hand in the mold was looking good, it was less swollen and the stitches were intact. He knew the bones were surely not completely sealed yet but they were hard enough to permit a change of scenario. So carefully he dumped a soft towel in warm water and washed away the dead skin before reapplying the patches and the gauze around them to keep them in place. The molds this time were slightly curved in order to help the hand taking a more natural shape. Always so gently he landed the hand in it making sure every single finger went in its right spot and placed an iron armour above the hand before blocking it with the other half of the mold. Now the hand looked three times bigger but he was sure that even in heat the boy wouldn't been able to remove it. Just as a final touch he sealed the mold with a hydrophobic sealant, just in case Brett would want to try something strange, even if he was sure the hospital had other toys to give him.

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