Cap. 31: Loving you

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The tour took too long in both of their opinions. Three months away from each other when one of them was even pregnant. They were infinite.

It doesn't have to surprize that the moment they saw each other again at the airport they both cried. Brett's belly was fairly big at this point and clearly sticking out from under his clothes, and Eddy spent a good two minutes just admiring him once they were walking toward the car.

It was not just the belly that Brett was carrying with him but also the new consciousness about his feelings, and he sure wanted to tell Eddy, but he needed the right occasion.

After a night spent on the sofa while waiting for the shy kicks of their little mango/papaya, it was time to have an ultrasound with Jane to ensure the baby was ok.

Jane: "Welcome back mama!"

She greeted Brett once they entered their studio.

Brett: "Nice to see you doc, how have you been?"

Jane: "Not bad, your man here kept telling me how successful your tour was"

She said in a semi-scolding tone to Eddy

Eddy: "It's not my fault that my man is the most talented"

Jane: "See he is totally head over heels for you!"

She chuckled and started to put on gloves

Jane: "Shall we start?"

Brett nodded and sat on the chair, he lifted his oversized t-shirt and waited for the doctoress. Jane quickly reached for the couple and started to prepare Brett by squirting a generous amount of gel over his big abdomen. She then took the ultrasound device in her hand and gently rubbed it over the big tummy.

After just few seconds on the black screen a little human like figure appeared. It was curled on itself like sleeping. It was actually strange to think that a real human was forming inside of Brett, and all the times they were reminded of it, it was like a little miracle.

Eddy: "Look our mango..."

He said absently gaining a chuckle from Jane.

Jane: "Yes, it is indeed big like a mango at this point, and it looks healthy and strong"

She concluded happily moving the device a little to have a better look.

Jane: "You don't want to know the sex if I remember correctly"

Brett: "Yep"

Jane: "What about the heartbeat?"

She asked to the couple. They just looked at each other and smiled before Eddy replied

Eddy: "Sure"

Jane smiled back at them and took a pair of headphones, she plugged them into the ultrasound and clicked some buttons. She repositioned the device on Brett's belly and handed them the headphones.

Eddy took them first, encouraged by Brett and put it on his head. The moment he did it was like a train that was moving inside a squishy tunnel. It was loud and fierce, strong but also so fragile. He couldn't help the tears that escaped his eyes at the realization that he was part of creating that little life.

When he had sniffled a couple of times, he decided to hand the headphones to Brett who immediately put them on his head.

Wow. The little miracle happened once again ad he couldn't help being stunned by the amazing thing his body was doing.

Their little mango was there happily growing inside mama, waiting to meet papa, reminding them once again that they together were capable of great things.

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