Cap. 17: I put my armour on

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Eddy: " basically this is imprinting"

Explaining to Lucas what imprinting was, was not easy but in the end, they managed to explain that basically they might need the testimony of the imprinting expert to guarantee that it was totally unplanned.

The other omegas in the room were also brave to tell their stories and give precious information on where to find proves.

Last but not least was the time for Brett's version of the story

Lucas: "So, Brett, if you want you can talk about it as the others did. Let me repeat myself: no one will judge you no matter what you decide to do or say. I really hope you are willing to talk about your story, but as I said the choice is yours to do. Let me just say thank you, because you are the one that decided to finally talk about it with a law expert that can help you out of this"

He sat back in his chair sipping his coffee and smiled sweetly to all the people. Useless saying that they all had puffy eyes and clogged noses from crying so much. Even Eddy had wiped his face some times. He imagined the situation was bad but not this bad.

Brett: "Thanks...I...guess I'll do it"

He adjusted on the chair and wiped his eyes one last time. Deep breath

Brett: "The reason why I had to take a year off, you may know, is a car crash. I almost died and lost the use of my hands. Fortunately, I was wise and I did a good medical insurance back when I debuted, so that I could have the help of amazing people like Eddy...what you may not know is that...that night was R.'s birthday and I wanted to surprize him but...I found another omega with him..."

He took a little pause trying to contain another wave of tears. He was about to start talking again when all the omegas in the room reached to put a hand on his shoulder and a larger one slipped into his: Eddy's. He looked up at him and found the strength to continue.

Brett: "I vomited on him every single thing he'd made me go through with the threat of burning my contract, and I left...I was in the worst state of mind and I lost control of"

He stopped and tightened his muscles

Brett: "I deliberately drove out of the road..."

Eddy's eyes widened imperceptibly, as Lucas's mouth fell agape

Brett: "Yes, I wanted to end it all...when I woke up, I also had the worst of the experiences which was my imprinting...but if I'm here today is because there were people ready to make me see that I could use this life of mine again...and that I was not over..."

He said turning toward Eddy. He was followed by a therapist, by a psychiatrist, but the first moment when he felt the spark of wanting to live again was when Eddy made him see that he could use his hands again.

Brett: "You maybe say: oh yeah you were jealous and emotional, this is not entirely R.'s fault, people cheat every day, but trust me: this is much worse than cheating"

He gulped the saliva in his mouth

Brett: "He made me do things I regret doing and abused me verbally for years. I don't remember a day in our "relationship" in which he treated me kindly...maybe the first few months, when he still believed that I was willing to have not safe sex with him or taking birth control on top of that shit I had to take for too many years to suppress my heats...and the worst part of it is that I didn't see this until it was all over...rudeness for me was an habit, in my head that was the correct way to love, and being loved...I don't know how many insults I've swallowed along with his sperm when I couldn't make a blow job as he wanted, or how many slaps I received when I tried to say that my libido was under my feet for the pills. How many times he made me undress for him, how many times I had to keep my thighs close for him to jerk off, or how many times I had to wash him in the shower or make him a massage with the 'happy ending' being my hands around his disgusting cock..."

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