Cap. 20: "The gala"

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Lucas: "My dears here tonight, let me raise a toast for our wonderful victory!"

Oh yes baby they won. The company was destroyed and that coward of Dave came crying to them to have them under the name of the agency and not as external members in order to have their names associated with them again to show that the rotten part was just Spike. And they agreed, why you may ask? Because the judge not only sent that shithead to jail, but also decided to take the cause to the higher level and have those terrible contracts made illegal. So, since Dave and the others decided to be firsts to join the revolution Brett and the others decided to prize the effort and be sure that no other omega joining the company was treated like them. They also made the higher ups sign a paper that if they were caught covering one of each other's crime they would have had to take upon themselves half of the punishment.

A little harsh? Nah

The omegas and their partners at the table raised their glasses and cheered happily to the conclusion of the last two months of legal battles, because today, the grand jury decided to make the contracts illegal. So, two big wins for all of them.

And for Brett in particular: he had his job back with enormous benefits, his hands were recovering excellently, even thanks to his private encounters with the doctor, and his heats were starting to regularize and little by little he was feeling less and less like shit.

After the dinner Brett and Eddy headed back to Eddy's house to have one of their encounters. They were both excited and ready to have a long night.

The morning after Brett was strangely the first to open his eyes and take a look at the orange smell machine at his side. He had to admit that Eddy was a beautiful man, with all the traits that he liked about a partner. He was really lucky to have him by his side. Another alpha maybe wouldn't have been this welcoming with the situation they had to deal with. Seemed like something good came out of the whole matter. He probably had to deal with the fact that Eddy would have been his partner for the next ten years but it was not that bad of a deal if it was this satisfying.

Carefully to not wake Eddy, he got up from the bed and headed in the bathroom. He was a little wobbly since Eddy had a sort of a rut during the night. He had to admit that Eddy was pretty good at controlling them, when he had the amount of pheromones able to give him one, and that he could use the benefits of it pretty damn good. Cough, cough...

Now he had 1 month and a half before returning back onto the stage and he was feeling better than ever since he knew that from that moment he would have had a stable income even in case of a pregnancy and more flexible touring schedules.

As he came back from the bathroom, he found the bed empty so he headed into the kitchen and found the alpha already cooking some pancakes. God he was so caring.

Eddy: "Good morning"

Brett: "Good morning"

Eddy: "Slept well?"

Brett: "Yeah, like a log, after such good news and good sex"

He joked taking some dishes from the cabinet

Eddy: "Oh the sex was good then?"

He teased licking Brett's nape as the man tiptoed to reach for the dishes. He knew Brett was sensitive there

Brett: "Idiot!"

He chuckled back, flinching. He turned back to put the dishes onto the table and saw an envelope in the centre. It was fine paper with a golden write on the back: Chen's annual gala.

Eddy noticed that Brett was inspecting the envelope the moment he turned to put the pancakes in the plates

Eddy: "You can open it if you want"

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