chapter 3

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tommy pov

where's dream? i asked , ranboo then looked at me sadly and said "I'm sorry toms but dream was busy". i just felt so sad and almost felt like crying that my brother and only family didn't show up at one of the most important days of my life just to do his stupid job! or maybe was i being too selfish?

when everyone had gotten home i cleaned the place up and went to the kitchen to make myself some cereal. after eating I started doing other things till i looked at the time ,
2:46am (btw it was a weekend) "wait dream should have been home an hour ago" i said to myself, i decided to wait a little longer but he still didn't came so i decided to call him.

dream pov

just saving a man (billionaire) from being killed , some other people being mugged and stopped a bank robbery with george and sapnap and now going back to the HQ ,
we got there and went to my office while I ordered some coffee from my assistant.

there was a knock on my door , "come in"
Corvine walked in , "hello there smile" he said warmly and wasn't wearing his mask so i took mines off to.

smile: hello there !

corvine: dream we need to talk (they know each other's identity)

smile: what is it phil?

corvine: well there has been a sighting of Phoenix near the intimidation tower a few minutes ago and we want you and sapnap to go with blade and siren to catch him , this might just be the way we finally get him.

smile: oh finally! it will be a relief to finally catch that nuisance!

corvine: it will be a relief to all of us honestly.

i head to the main hall by the entrance to see flame,blade, and siren waiting for me.

blade: you ready to go green telatuby?

dream: yes and don't call me that!

blade: not happening

siren: lets just go..

flame: heh! green telatuby..( insert giggling)

smile: i heard that!

3rd person pov...................................................

all 4 heroes went to patrol a bit later in district 5 and 8 and near the intimidation tower because that was the place phoenix was seen the most.

smile: any luck ?

(they are talking through some tiny devices btw)

blade: nope

siren: i see him! i am going after!

flame: wait! siren!

smile: too late, i bet he's already trying to kick him down.

blade: i hope phoenix kicks his butt

flame: blade!

smile: L

siren: I'm still here y'know?

blade: forgot about that

siren: you prick!

blade: bruh...

smile: ok everyone hurry to where siren is

blade: ok

flame: okie

blade pov

we all then went from our own ways , and when we got their they saw phoenix trapped between 3 walls and a siren blocking the way out as siren walked closer to him , but phoenix wasn't even scared and stood there with his staff in his right hand ,
and his tired diamond blue , pale skin and fluffy golden blond hair and he looked surprisingly really young like he couldn't be more than 16 ! this was the first time we actually saw him up close because he would disappear in the matter of seconds and always be in the shadows and never missed his target and once beaten up schlatt 10 feet or more away (he just threw a knife at schlatt and the heroes were watching from a distance and also tried to catch phoenix but he got away without a trace)

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