chapter 19

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_deo pov_

we had just stopped a robbery but something felt not right, i looked around but didn't see anything...

thats when i realized what was actually happening, how could i have been so blind!? i let him out of my sight! no wonder it was too quiet!

"guys... where's tommy...?"

the expressions on everyone's face turned around and a stressful silence washed over us...

we all looked around, it had been an hour or so of us looking, the three of us splited up so we could cover more ground in order to find tommy faster, i was also looking around when someone suddenly grabbed me from my back and threw me against the wall...

i saw a shady figure , my vision blurred out and everything went black...

_bitzel pov_


i yelled hoping to get a response from the young mentally unstable vigilant as the well known vigilant Lunar.

bitzel: levitation/demon (for hanging from somewhere or just a slice of touch can cut through things)
vigilante name: Lunar

i kept on searching trying to stay calm, i was suddenly flung over by someone and fell to my back! i looked at who it was and saw a giant axe coming straight in to sluce me in half, i quickly blocked it using my staff (Tommy gave it to him as a gift) , i kicked the figure in the stomach making him stumble back, i quickly got back to my feet and using my power i picked him up in the air and flunged him towards a wall, they tried to get up but i kept him from doing so but then he flunged his axe at my direction! luckily i dodged it from less than an inch and before i could make another move someone kicked me from the back and everything went black...

_luke pov_

same as others i yelled out for tommy but everytime it felt more and more weak and broken when i yelled put for him, not realizing someone's presence i fell down to my knees...

my heart staryed pounding and my breathing became short and fast. Something wasn't right! something went wrong tonight... very wrong ...

before i knew it i sensed danger and stood up , sword in hand and aimed at the figure that tried to hit ne with an axe from behind me! they ducked and kicked me and i fell back and i felt an instant wash of pain over me and blacked out...

"the fun is just starting now"

_nightmare pov_

i approached the young winged vigilant, he stumbled back and fell down and i could hear his breathing patterns, which were very not normal...

i knelt down and looked at him, axe in hand, i noticed the fear in his blue eyes, something felt odd ...

"d-dream...? w-whats going on...?"
he knew my name, i instantly recognized that voice...

i dropped my axe and stiffened... the vigilant i had been chasing around as a hero was my own brother... i tried to hurt my own brother millions of time... i tried to kill him...

not realizing what i was doing i pulled phoeni-tommy into a hug , tommy was my only family... the only one who was always thee for me... after our older brother Foolish abandoned us and took our sister with him long ago when we were kids i swore to protect him and be with him no matter what...

I failed now, didn't i?

we stayed like this for a minute when he pushed me away.. i saw hus tears , his eyes much more faded than ever... he looked broken...

"love is a lie, isn't it dream?"
he spoke towards me, i couldn't answer properly... i broke my promise..


"save it... they were all right when they said we're just not meant to be..."


he still remembers thrm doesn't he? i broke him... it's my fault...

"Don't act oblivious dream! from the very beginning! they said we'll never be happy! nothing would ever be okay! EVERYTHING JUST KEEPS ON BREAKING! WE BUILD IT UP! BUT IT'LL ALWATS COLLAPSE!"

"tommy, just come with me, and I'll give you the life you actually disserve-"

"i don't deserve anything dream! there's nothing left anyway! the next thing to know is either of us will die! we're just broken.."

_3rd person_

nightmare looked at his brother, phoenix threw his mask away to the side and fell on his knees... bloody tears going diwn his face... the boy saw his oldest brother and younger sister he had always loved walk out on him... his parents died in front of him... his brother and only family dream turned to the dark... he broke him...

nightmare couldn't get himself to hurt the broken boy, his broken brother... he couldn't bare to see his brother like this... nightmare started hearing screams... and tried to approach the broken one...

someone appeared between the two and stopped nightmare from getting close, he was a tall man.. giant wings, a greek type clothing, a shark type crown on his head.

both tommy and nightmare stood up straight and looked at him backing away... the man instantly went to dream's bad side while tommy looked confused as ever...

the angle greek type person looked at tommy and held out a hand to him .

"come with me Theseus, it's time to go home.."

"tommy... don't!"

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