chapter 13

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"this is bad! THIS IS SO FUCKING BAD!!!"

dream walked back and forth in the main meeting room,

Sam: dream please calm down!

dream: calm down!? the villians have been seen more than usual lately, maybe they know about tommy! they would kill him!
he's just a kid!

the others were at patrol, me and dream were in the meeting room, poor guy, i feel so bad for him.....

sam: y'know what, i want you to go spend some time with tommy, it will help

he agreed reluctantly and went to tommy, and i went to my office

tommy pov

it was almost 9, i was thinking of going to patrol the lower districts at 11, i was in the gallery looking at the fading sky that was now turning blue. i really wanted to fly open in the sky but dream said its dangerous.

i felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, i looked up to see dream, mask off and smiling gently at me, i smiled back and leaned into his touch, he put his hand around me and we stood staring at the sky for a moment before breaking the silence

tommy: when could I go out again? when would i meet my friends again?

dream sighed and hugged me tight and then let me go still his hands on my shoulders and looking down at me,

dream: soon tommy, very soon, I'm sorry you have to live like this but there's no other way.

i knew what dream saud was true, but i just really miss my friends...
they all have started senior highschool

(btw tommy had finished junior high school right now and hadn't started senior highschool yet)

all my friends had started and from what I am expecting is by the time i can finally get out, i will be an year late which means my friends will be in junior then .

wilbur pov

i was patrolling the place near the HQ , it was a boring night,  no crimes or anything yet.

"hello phantom!"

phantom: what the? jester!

quackity: i just wanted to talk

jester said putting his arms in the air and grinning, i sighed and spoke....

wilbur: why are you here? you're a villian.

quackity: told you, I'm here to talk, and why are you not trying to arrest me?

wilbur: cuz I've understood there is no point..

quackity: ok so , now tell me, who is the avian child called Tommy?

i froze, oh no, i couldn't tell him!

wilbur: i don't know what you are talking about...

quackity: i thought you'd say that, embred! nemesis!

two other villians came from behind me, they tried to catch me but i quickly got away ,
i was met by tecno and 404 while trying to run away, but when I looked back thet were gone...

tecno: you okay?

i nodded and this time i continued patrolling with tecno.

dream pov

me and tommy talked for awhile till my alarm went off, it was my turn to patrol and sapnap to rest. i quickly got into my costume and went out.

tommy pov

it had been an hour since dream left and i was really bored, i was thinking shit on the couch when I heard a tap at the door, i got up and opened it, it was deo in his civilian cloths. i smiled and let him in .

deo: hey tom's! how are you doing?

tommy: I'm doing shit you?

deo: can say the same,

webith chuckled and then went to the gallery and talked while staring at the beautiful night sky,

deo: tommy, remember when you said i had a chance with you?

i blushed out of embarrassment and spoke

tommy: what are you trying to say deo?

i sighed and looked at him, he took of his sunglasses and sighed..

deo: tomathywastaken,

he knelt down and took something out his pocket a necklace, with a ruby crystal on it, it seemed as if he made it himself.

deo: will you be my boyfriend?

i couldn't believe it, i stood there shocked fir a moment as i stared at him...

deo: i understand if-

tommy: YES! yes i will be your boyfriend!

he stood up and hugged me then pit the necklace around my neck ...

deo: this is a little something i made for you and me,
he showed me a necklace tucked under his shirt it was the same as mine but the crystals were in different shapes.

deo: the crystals are crimson rubys , they are really rare, what do you think?

i smiled

tommy: thet are beautiful deo, (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

deo held my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me. it was magical, it had lasted for 8 seconds till we heard the door open and someone gasp,

we quickly pulled apart and saw that it was dream......

tommy: ummmm d-dream! its- its not w-what it looks like!

dream: deo will youeave us for a moment?

deo nodded and winked at me while he left our pent house. my heart fluttered and i was quickly brought back to reality when dream took my hand and dragged me inside.

dream: tommy! you are 14!

tommy: bitch I'm 16!

dream: tommy you are to young to date! especially a boy!

tommy: WHA-!! you started dating wilbur when you were 16!

(btw dreambur, and dream is 23 ,wilbur us 26)

dream: but you are too young!

tommy: you son of a-

dream: I'm telling wilbur and tecno!

tommy: NOO!-

hello mates! hope you all are doing well,
i just need to say this, there won't be any smut, its agh- you know what i mean ;)

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