chapter 22

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_??? pov_

i heard some shuffling from one of the rooms where we kept them, they were so easy to catch honestly, this is going to be fun..

"looks who's awake! had a good sleep TimeKeeper?"

he looked at me, confused, in shock, defensive. i like this one already.

"who are you!? and why am i here!?"
he was fiesty...

"it wouldn't be too fun would it if i told you?
for now you can call me "amber" for now..."

"oh little hero, now stuck with me~ we're going to have so much fun! you and your little gang are going to be so much use to me"

_deo pov_

who even is this bitch!? some new wannabe jshlatt!? looks like it, and what kind of name is "Amber"!? that's a girl's name! and they are clearly a boy!

"use to you...?"
i asked confused of what was going on. he looked at me, one hand behind his back and snapped his fingers with the other.

suddenly the door opened and two men entered, both holding non other than Luke and bitzel.

they brought them and threw them on the ground beside me, both had some sort of metal mask thing on their mouths abd not a word came from them, both looked so tired and weak...

'what happened..?'
i questioned myself...

the two men left and someone else entered..
jester.. a smug smile on his face but something was new about him, there was a huge scar coming from over his left eyebrow down to his lip from the right. he was holding the same type of metal mask in his hand that luke and bitzel had on.

"jester do your job"

amber told jester, he nodded and turned to me, before i could say anything my mask was snatched off my face and the metal mask was fixed on me, it was impossible to even move ny lips to get a little noise out, my sunglasses were now on the floor aswell revealing my face...

welp they have our identies now! nothing we can do! wait my powers! how do i keep forgetting that they exist!?

my hands were tied behind the chair i was in, bruh these idiots only used ropes! amber let out a little laugh and suddenly his eyes glowed red, mind control...

we have to hurry! he started speaking in end language and i felt a bit dizzy, i tried struggling out if the ropes! an idea popped in my mind!

we all were trying to get out, using my levitation i successfully ripped apart our ropes and the metal mask!, jester quickly took action and attacked us!

"both of you get out of here!"

"but what about you!?"
i started feeling that i was loosing control on myself, the voices grew louder and louder and louder!

"Get out of here!"

they both made a run for the door, i kicked down jester and made a run for the door, the door was locked!

i did the only thing i could think of at the moment and without hesitation aimed at the roof , a crack...

multiple cracks formed on the roof and in a matter of seconds the building was collapsing! jester pushed me down and we started to fight, i door broke down the luke and bitzel made a run for it before it could be blocked..

c'mon deo,

give up already..

you're not getting out of this one...




give up

no one cares.

the voices grew louder, i shaked my head and kicked jester off of me and stood up, i picked up a huge rock and aimed for jester, before i could throw it, someone kicked me down, the building walls started collapsing and missed us by inches, from the looks of it the building was very high, and we were for sure on the top floor!


i blacked out...

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