chapter 25

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the blond woke up to a gush of pain enter him.. like something was piercing in his skin from all sides.. he could feel something tight and alive wrapped around his whole body..

he didn't remember how he got here just a scream.. a sisterly scream.. he remembered his wing bones being broken... his feathers snatched out from their roots...

the blood

his vision cleared up a bit and he realised it was pretty dark... he was upsidedown aswell... he started to panick... not knowing what to do or what or where he was...

completely lost

their were voices around him... suddenly he felt as if the thing rapping him got much more tighter, he let out a painfilled scream as spikes cut through the fleshy wing toots and other body parts..

the voices stopped and everything grew light, a rush of light entered the place and a light "hello" with it...

"finally awake little one?"

the man who spoke wasn't a normal human, face fully black, eye's white, he seemed to be happy...

be the demon or the angel

tommy was in extreme pain at the moment, he tried to move but it only got worse so he had stopped. once he saw the demon, something calmed him down...

"w-hy am i h-here...?!"
he creaked out, scared and oblivious... but calm. the demon only laughed at that which only made tommy more scared.

birds don't belong jn cages..
birds with feathers belong in skies...
they live there trapped for ages...

"allow me to introduce myself, I'm Badboyhalo! but people prefer calling me Bad!"


"the egg needed you.. is all you need to know..."

"egg...? me...?"

"birds are meant to be used, they don't belong anywhere other than to be used, their feathers their claws.."

birds are meant to be caged...
their feathers are jewls for others...
their claws, their swords, they use when enraged...
their voices, calm the others, they're pleasers...

rage controlled his body as his voices, shouting, took over...

shadows that live..
born from someone's rage...
everyone has one, beg to forgive..
no happiness, they can't be in a cage...

his eyes turned black, no white, no blue, no grey... just a void.. hus wings tore through the living vines, wings were made of a voiding shadow... not a single feather..

his powers turned up and in seconds time froze for him... time was frozen for everyone.. tommy fell to the ground, nothing was in his power...

_??? pov_

oh sweetheart.. you can't freeze the time for me... you can't use my own power against me.. time is frozen.. the only time where i have access to every other power...

I'm coming dear.. let's have some fun together.. us and us alone... like we're meant to..

_3rd person_

the tall brunette had access to every power, he used teleportion and was in a blink oof an eye behind the blond who was using his power...


he was on the ground, things were bright.. the shadow wings stumped on the ground to weak to even fold in.. eyes still black and shadowy.. he was weak Infront of the Lord of time..

"weak... this power wouldn't last forever.. you'll have to face it.. the egg called for you..
everyone is still looking for a weakling"

"w-what do you m-mean..?"

deo kneeled on Infront of the weak blonde on his knees on the ground and held his chin up and got closer to him till the point they were inches apart...

"look at you... you can't handle the shadow.. your voice is to weak... you're a burden.. you are an object needed to be taken care of and used... you have no control on yourself aswell as anything else.."

deo let him go and stood up with an amused huff as he saw the pain ln Tommy's face... but that pain turned into rage.. he stood up and the shadow only grew in him..

deo didn't even flinch as all surroundings turned into a void... he only laughed and before he knew it a sword made of a deathly shadow that would pierce through everything was lunged at him..

he pulled out a sword of his own and blicked the attack with ease.. deo kicked the boy hard onto the ground and let out a maniac like laughter...

"you think you can fight me!? you'll always be too weak.."

deo pushed him more on the ground and placed the tip of his sword to his neck smiled...

"I'll always love you..."

the sword pierced through the skin... pain was all.. blood was sight... he was done...

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