chapter 26

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the shadows faded away and the void did with it leaving a barely alive, wings damaged to the point of never recovering and lifeless eyes tommy and a emotionless Deo...

The brunette wasn't in control of his body.. he was under control but that didn't mean he wasn't in pain from the sight Infront of him..
he wished he could escape the prison he was trapped in inside of his own mind...

this love truely made as a curse in hell, one killed by the other...

the brunette then puoled out his sword and slid it back to it's place, he turned to his back and walked away his body faded into the returning dark like ash.. he was gone..

the bloodied blond hadn't died yet.. it was no miracle as he pushed himself in all the pain and tears to mimic the power of his once brother dream nightmare...

the deadly wound wasn't going to be healed but tommy wouldn't die, he'd put himself in danger by using a godly power that he couldn't control fully and fail the way his brother did..

a green neon light shone around him and it absorbed itself in the teen's body. he exhaled a deep breath but the pain hadn't ended for him yet as the place lit up once more and there stood three people..


there stood the captain herself, one of the most loved heroes ever beside the demon named Badboyhalo and another guy who was new, he seemed to be a coffee coloured cat hybrid..

all of their eyes were red and you could tell they all were one with the egg... a shiver ran down Tommy's spine, he stood up from the ground aware of his fate to end him here..

"hello my child.."

Captain spoke in the most comforting voice, she was like a mother to Tommy since they met first at the HQ when tommy was on lockdown...

her smile faded and an expression of worry took over as she realised what kind of condition the young blond was in.. she gestured for the other two men to leave them alone for a while, they did as directed and left them alone..

Captain walked towards the blondand hugged him, tommy still felt to weak to pull back or even stand and as he hugged her back and sobbed the two fell to the ground.

Captain took off her mask and even though she was with the egg, she still considered the young avian as her own child..

"shh it's ok.. everything is going to be fine.."

Tommy sobbed as the pain was still unbearable even if he had used his brother's power, he was hurt...

"w-why is this happening..? why are y-you here p-puffy..?"

puffy sighed, she felt horrible to see such a young child only 16 and near death.. it hurt like hell..

"you have been called by the egg as and given the opportunity to either join or.. or.."

she trailed off as she didn't want to continue the sentence..

"or what puffy?"

"or it's death.. i was given the same opportunity and i took it.. the egg promised me safety and peace.."

Tommy pulled out the embrace and he didn't look up to meet the red eyes up front of him instead he just looked down and wiped away his tears..

"you joined the enemy.."

the venom in his voice took puffy up by surprise as she winced.. she knew Tommy wouldn't join the egg for the sake of others..

she felt selfish...

"this is for your own good...'

"hurting the ones i love for my peace isn't my own good puffy.."

puffy then got up, she turned to walk away and a few steps away she didn't look back but she spoke two last words before disaster and more pain arrived...

"I'm sorry.."

she snapped her fingers and the vines shit out to grab the blond and end him for ever..
her heart screamed at her as she held back her tears and walked away..

the vines shot at tommy to end him... a vigilant would always fight back... tommy could use two powers at a time but it required for him to use his strength which was barely left in him..

he was quick to react despite the pain and as a sheild wad the best to protect him in this situation.. one hand glowing a bright neon green for strength of his brother the other glowing a deep shade of purple and a Sheild appeared around him aswell as crashing sounds of the vines trying to break through..

it became harder and harder each second as the force was doubled each time and keeping the sheild up became harder and harder..

he was now too weak to keep with controlling two powers in his veins at once and the XD syndrome was gone.. rush of pain hit him in his wound and he fell to the ground..

he couldn't help it anymore... he was tired.. he couldn't stay awake no more.. the sounds faded away and his eyelids were now getting to heavy to keep open..

the sound of his surroundings faded away.. it was getting dark.. he was tired.. whimpering with pain..


the other hand keeping up the sheild lost it's control.. the sheild faded away.. he let himself rest..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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