chaptet 8

746 24 19

3rd person

dream took tommy's hand took him staight home and put on all the locks on the door and closed all windows.

tommy: mind explaining?

dream: can't...

tommy: what?

dream: i can't tell you Tommy, its not safe...

Tommy: but-

dream: go to sleep now we are going to talk about something in the morning.

tommy didn't question and went straight to bed after , he new something was really wronge, did the heroes figure out he was phoenix?, a new villian? , welp that is for a later time,

tommy pov

i woke up at 9am , i went downstairs for breakfast and saw dream was making pancakes, he makes the best pancakes honestly,i sat down and waited for breakfast to be ready, then dream came with a plate of pancakes and put it infront of me and sat down beside me and started eating his .

i was eating mine peacefully till dream started to speak,

dream: Tommy we need to talk

tommy: what is it?

dream: you might not like it but its for your own safety.

tommy's mind: oh my God! does he know about phoenix!? or me skipping classes this year!? i tried drown ranboo!? or - or -or!!?!

voices: stfu!

tommy: who are you!?

voices: i am your damn voice! now listen to what dream has to say.

back to reality

tommy: uhm- g-go ahead

dream: Tommy schlatt and the other villians are making a project here in dreamsmp and from what our spy has told us , they need wings, wings of an avian for it to work,

tommy: but what does it has to do with me?

dream: Tommy you're an avian! along with Corvine!

tommy: but the villian quackity? hes an avian to!

dream: from what we know they won't use his wings for it because because hes a duck avian , and he can't fly so the project won't work!

tommy: why don't just go and destroy them!?

dream: its easy to say but hard to do, we could just die from it.

tommy: again what am i supposed to do!?

dream: I'm getting there!

tommy: spill then!

dream: you are going to be moving to the HQ
houses which is built in the HQ and going to be working with me as an assistant till the villians have been taken care of, and that means

tommy: WHA-

dream: I'm not done yet! and that means no more going outside! now I'm done, what were you saying,

tommy's mind:



tommy: stfu!

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