chapter 24

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ace and lunar jumped off of the building, there was more chance of them living with that because going down a collapsing building, No..

lunar used his ability to skywalk and with one step in the middle of falling he stood perfectly in the middle with a sparkling slightly visible base.

as for ace, he activated his slow fall boots and the two landed safely, as soon as they did they made a run to get away, many people, heroes and others were already there. the two vigilants turned back whike running and saw a glint of orange light...

the two stopped, not knowing what they were doing.. the building was in flames, collapsing... the sun set behind giving the moment a touch to the fire... the two vigilants were pushed away by siren and blade, missing the collapsing building that almost crushed them there...

in a few seconds the whole building was on the ground, rubble everywhere, fire, some screams of people, the ambulances sound, firetrucks, reporters, Heroes, police, and crowds of thousands...

the two vigilants in cuffs, being watched by Corvine, the two looked at the ruined building.. none said a word.. all they thought about was

Tommy is missing..

Deo died to save us...

after that the two were taken to the HQ for questioning and probably be jailed later..
ace sat infront of the hetoes in cuffs in the questioning room, they looked at each other.

"we need answers"

"i know, and I'll answer.."

the heroes looked a bit shocked by the approach, Blade sighed and spoke first, making eye contact with the zoning vigilant.

"what caused the disaster there..?"

that hit him hard as he remembered all the things that happened, he remembered how he got there, he remembered the death, amber..

"i- we were looking for phoenix, blacked out a-and woke up some place we didn't know of, Amber... Time- h-he caused the collapse t-to save us.."

ace stuttered, he tried his best not to cry at the spot, he missed him already. the heroes probably noticed this and they didn't push. suddenly he remembered about Tommy..

"i know thomas is missing techno.."

that caught everyone off guard, the way he so venomously spoke and so suddenly, nkt to mention knowing Blade's name

"H-how do you-"


the heroes took note quickly and their attentions turned back to finding the avian, ace was sent to his cell and the heroes got nightmare's location in some hours, it was easy for warden to track down people but it didn't work on Tommy though and some others.

the heroes, now full of rage, rushed to the kingdom he was in, using teleportation, portals, super speed and what not to get there as quickly as possible.

in the end they found themselves at the gates of a palace, a HUGE castle.. after some talking they were taken to the king.. they met Foolish, the angel hybrid.


blade demanded, the king only looked at him, not even a flinch, his gaze turned to the side..

"he's after Tommy, with his sister.. it's the eggpire.. they're back..."

Eggpire? Dream's sister? what the hell was going on!?

"his sister?"
corvine asked

"we are four altogether, broken family, take your people from here! i don't want them here anymore! the evil came for my kingdom because those two are here! they went east"

without another word the, they set to their journey to the eggpire area to save Tommy and get dream to his rightful place in the cell....


llooooo!my apologies it took so long, so i just wanna say, should i do short 600 words chapters every now and then for this book or long chapter on the weekends? i personally think short chapters now and then is better and faster in updating, us it's easy but your choice

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