chapter 16

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"hey Tom's, we just heard what happened.."
a tall split black and white haired male entered, behind him was a shorter brunette

"wheres George?"
the shorter brunette asked

phil and tecno exchanged glances then looked back at the brunette

"sit down tubbo, let us explain.."

tubbo pov

i got a call from the hero HQ and when i picked up Blade spoke, he told me that smile or dream, Tommy's brother has been corrupted and Tommy's state isn't good, he told me to hurry up and come to the tower as soon as possible. i started to panick, i picked up my phone and grabbed ranboo's hand and rushed out the house and went to the tower. i explained ranboo what had happened and so we both rushed there.
we quickly went in and to where tommy was. we entered and saw him in tears while the others hugged him.

"sit down tubbo, let us explain"

3rd person

moments later tubbo was in tears aswell, hearing that his brother was also gone. george and tubbo were really close, unlike tommy and dream, the two loved each other and george would always make time for his little brother no matter what. but dream was also Tommy's only family.

with dream team

"leave me alone Nightmare!"
dream shouts

"sorry dreamy, I'm having to much fun"
he replies

dream was currently stuck in his own brain, nightmare had taken over dream because dream failed to block him out, some others knew about nightmare and tried their best to keep things light in certain situations so nightmare won't get triggered, but it didn't work out. nightmare ended up winning even after how hard they tried and he took flame and 404 with him.

sorry short chapter, working on the other stories and school and house drama is tiring. also to anyone who believes #dreamisafreak shit , fuck you! and to who doesn't believe in it , you got a brain, I'm proud!

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