chapter 6

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"let's fight, shall we?"

one of the men shoots phoenix but phoenix dodges the bullet just in time the kicks the man in the stomach hard so the man fells down , two more came from the back of phoenix while two came from the front sprinting towards phoenix, phoenix streches his wings and jumps high as soon as the four were inches near him and all four of them bump hard into eachother while phoenix just giggles as he land on top of them and then someone shoots from behind phoenix but he ducks just in time and raises his wings as he walks closer to the one who almost killed him and punches him hard on the face.

phoenix pov

phew! that was easy , i say as i tie them all up so the police will take them when they come,
i go back to patrolling the area,
i was under the beautiful night sky and could see alot of glimmering stars till i felt as if someone was behind me ...
time for a little prank!

"sharon did you find anything?"
the person behind me was definitely confused, when i turned around to see who it was .......
he was one of the most powerful heroes and can so .... I'm dead.

i start running, rooftop to rooftop nd could hear purpled chasing after i turned around for a second and.... i bumped into FUCKING TIMEKEEPER! he can rewind the time and easily get me !
he was a bit shorter than dreamy but taller than me , so was purpled , I'm screwd ..

so yeah where were we? oh yes!

purpled pov

oh good now's my chance , i am getting shaky by seeing a intimidating yet scary deo looking down at the vigilant phoenix that just bumped into deo and fell down , oh yeah i run towards phoenix and take out a strap from my pocket and quickly (he does it in 5 seconds) tie it round phoenix's wings so he couldn't fly away like he did from the top heroes .

timekeeper (deo) pov

just standing there in the dark and then i see a phoenix running straight towards and couldn't see me because I'm literally standing in the dark and have a black and dark orange coloured costume on and bumps straight into me and fells back and i get a bit pushed over

thank God purpled tied his wings or he would get away again he looked at me and started backing away and couldn't go any further because purpled was behind, i knelt down to his level and look straight into his eyes and say.

deo: finally got him purpled.

purpled: why do they say its really hard get him when we got him some minutes?

deo: buddy they are not smart.

purpled: lets get him back to the HQ .

deo: 'right

deo: not gonna defend yourself bird boy?

tommy pov:

um shit , i think to myself, he asked me, what should I say, hiw do i get out . just when he starts to get my mask off , i see I'm back at my apartment with ranboo and tubbo?


tommy: hey bee !!!!

ranboo: I'm... just gonna go down

tubbo: why were you with those two hero shits?!

Tommy: soo umm... you see Toby.....

i  start explaining what happened..

tubbo: are you kidding me?

tommy: not at all!

.....(I'm changing the story from here a bit ).....

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