chapter 20

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tommy... don't!"

Tommy seemed very confused on the sudden situation... who even was this greek angel person? why was dream telling him to not accept his offer? WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON!?"

_12 years ago_

foolish packed his bags and stormed out, dream went after him before he could take a step out the door..

"brother why are you leaving!?"
dream asked begging for foolish to stay

"dream, if it wasn't for our parents! i wouldn't have left!"

the brothers parents, Mr and Mrs Wastaken, were rude selfish people. they would use their children for their extraordinary powers!

Foolish being able to build anything and open portals, not forgetting the pur white wings.
Dream being a super rare, he could do almost anything! well except some like hybrid features. Tommy being able to mimic any power, whether its mental or physical, he also has phoenix wings, the rarest type of avians to ever exist, Drista, Tommy's twin. was a demon hybrid, she had horns and a tail of a demon and could control light or levitate stuff.
(yes you heard me right, drista and Tommy are twins)

"brother please take me with you!"
a little girl said as she ran to foolish, and another little boy that grabbed onto dreams sleeve and looked scared..

"you really want that drista?"
foolish asked the 4 year old

"mhm! i want to be with you!"
foolish sighed and agreed, he looked back at dream who looked mad, a little tommy tugging on his sleeve

"you're really gonna leave us like that?"
dream asked, eyes tearing up a bit now, foolish felt so bad, but he couldn't stay like this under his parents rule! he was 20! yet he was treated like he was 12! he couldn't take dream and tommy with him because he couldn't take care of everyone..

foolish sighed and turned to leave, little drista in one hand, his bag in the other. dream couldn't believe what was going on! Tommy couldn't understand much either, and over time, tommy forgot about his other siblings and dream never forgave his brother.. still having all his memory of foolish..

_back to present_

"foolish, get the fuck away from tommy!"
dream stepped in between tommy and foolish, he didn't want tommy to go with him.

"dream, i apologized years ago! and even offered to take you with me!"

"i don't think one apologizy is going to get you anywhere, you offered to take me with you when i was 20! i could manage on my own! i had a city to look after!"

"dream, w-what is going on..?"
tommg asked from behind dream, poor boy had no idea of what was happening.

suddenly the three heard distant noises, it seemed to be the other heroes looking for tommy..

quickly foolish opened a portal under them and all three fell in, the portal closed and on the others side of the portal, the three boys walked out to see a whole kingdom...

_tommy pov_

we all fell into a portal of some sort and when we stepped out from the other end, the sight was something unimaginable! it was a whole Kingdom! huge statues! pyramids! buildings! Pools and what not!

"w-where are we..?"
dream asked astonished by the sight.

"welcome to (i dunno what to name the kingdom, please tell your names for it in the comments)"

the angel type person lead us to a castle and in the walk there no one said a word and the locals there gave us weird glances, Dream for some reason would shoo off anyone who came close to me or him...

damn when did this bitch became so protective? as we entered the castle gates and climbed multiple staircases (by multiple i mean 12 looooong staircases and of course tommy flew, and poor dream, we don't talk about foolish)

_foolish pov_

i led the two to the main dinner hall for the royal family, i asked the two to take a seat and i could see visible confusion on Tommy's face and he looked fairly uncomfortable (i wonder why) a minute later a a young blonde girl with green eyes entered, wearing a beautiful green dress, and a nice silver crown.

"greetings sister!"
i welcomed her as i stood up from my seat.
just at the moment dream shot up from his spot and stared, he put his mask to the side and stared at her, she stared back looking tense.

dream remembered her,

"ok! what the actual FUCK is going on?!"
tommy shot up from his spot aswell looking incredibly annoyed.

"you peasant! mind your language!"
drista yelled at Tommy and uhhh....

"who you calling peasant you snob?!"

"wow! you have no manners for a princess?"

"damn! apologies your fucking highness!"
tommy said mockingly and annoyed

"brother! why are you just standing there?! this peasant is-"

"everyone sit down, I'll explain and you two stop fighting"
i said as i put a hand on Tommy's shoulder

"don't you touch tommy"
dream demanded and i backed off immediately knowing i would just put myself in a bigger mess if i don't

reluctantly everyone sat down, all eyes on me. i sighed and explained what was going on and who we were to each other...



"dream... you knew about this...?"
tommy asked in a sad and angry tone

"i did, i watched him leave us tommy"
dream said making no eye contact

"when were you planning to on telling me we still had a family left?"

"i was gonna, once you were .... 18 or 19"

"you fucking made me feel so neglected and hated all my damn life! the least you could do was tell me earlier!"
tommy glared at him, before things could get any worse i stepped in

"okay okay! lets not start an argument or anything right now! lets give eachother some time! drista you take tommy and show him around and have a good time, i will be with dream!"

drista rolled her eyes and Tommy gave an annoyed huff, they both went out the door and I looked at dream....

"just give me a chance dream.."

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