chapter 17

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it was 2am, i was sitting in the corner of my room, the door was shut not locked. tubbo and ranboo were asleep, de and purpled were on the floor beneath ours and were most likely asleep. i was having a loop in my mind, the loop of my parents death and dream...

let it out...

oh birdy...

listen to us...



they need you...



i couldn't take it anymore, i got up from the floor and towards my cupboard, i knelt down and pulled out a small box, i opened it and there layed a necklace with a feather pendant and a tiny black shiny stone in the middle of the pendant. i put it on and tapped on the stone andy vigilants costume which was a black full sleeved shirt, skin tight pants, and a black face mask.
i took my staff and jumped out my window. i let my self free fall till i was inches away from the groud, i spread my wings wide open and shot straight in the air. i didn't see much going on in the districts so i decided to have a peaceful night and just walk around (the roofs)

??? pov

there he is, the boy i need to get the life i want!
phoenix was just wondering around aimlessly so i had the perfect opportunity to catch, and take him to the base. i used my powers and turned invisible and walked to a certain place where i kept a trap. he - he looked so young...
ugh stop thinking shit and do it already.  i broke a stick to get his attention, he looked at the spot confused, and walked to that point. i went to another spot and hid with a button in my hand .
the trap was quite basic not gonna lie but effective.
it was a set up as when i press the button, a net scoop up the victim and it would hang from a height. the net is really undestructible and a red light glows on it keeping it simply untouchable if trying to escape. i saw its a good plan for catching a bird boi!
phoenix stepped in the zone not suspecting anything and bent down picking up the broken stick . this was my chance!

deo pov

i went to check the noise in toms room, when i opened it i understood what happened and got into my costume and went after him . one of my powers is that i can sense where certain people i care about are so i instantly found him. and oh no ...

i rushed towards him and pushed him and myself out the way and a net pulled up on the spot tommy was on.

"d-deo!? what are you doing here!?"

"i should be asking you!"

"i-im sorry ok!? i felt something off!"

"you always do! you could've gotten badly injured, and with what just happened here! you can't argue back!"


??? pov

what the- WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!! why is a hero saving a vigilante!? specially when its timekeeper saving the phoenix. but if i come i get caught right now i won't be able to get away. I'll go today phoenix but i will get u another time.
that day i went away and gave the information to schlatt .

with tommy and deo

the sun was almost out now and tommy and deo were in no mood for going back to HQ that time, so they changed into their citizen clothes and went to a cafe, the cafe was called "Puffy's charm" it was really good as well.

tommy and deo went in and sat down on a place by the window, it was 5am so no one was there (no customers were there) other than the pair. tommy was sat leaning against deo who had his hand around tommy, they were having a light conversation while waiting for their order when some people walked in.

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