chapter 21

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"just give me a chance dream.."

foolish said looking at dream, Dream sighed and stood up.

Dream: i don't have time for this foolish, i got a place to be. i might have needed you back then, but now... Now! i don't need you! one thing you need to know is, you're no longer in control brother!

foolish looked at him hurt, realizing how much he had messed up! how much him leaving and not being there effected his brothers!

Foolish stands up now looking at dream in the eyes (foolish is just 2 inches taller than dream) his face serious.

foolish: even if you tried Dream, you can't get out of these castle walls till i like

Dreams expressions darkened, his eyes stared deep in the angels soul, all his expressions now changed in a matter of seconds.

Nightmare started laughing, a maniac, dry laugh. one that could make anyone rethink everything...

Foolish out of the sudden mood swing, stumbled backwards, a chill going down his spine.

Nightmare: you're funny

Foolish: w...what...?

Eyes glowing red, Nightmare slowly walked toward the older making him stumble bavk aswell.

"the angle and his brother... how unfortunate the other is a devil"

deathly rays of light and black particles gathered near his fist, forming a double headed void black blade...

Nightmare's fingers rapped around the blade. he lifted the blade near his face, eyes scanning the blade as he runs a finger on the edge. blood started to drip and stained his fingers.

taking his eyes off the blade and to the angle he smiled, Foolish felt himself in the void for a split second.

"this blade needs something to cut through, the same way someone once cut through my heart and left me there all alone.."

"Dream what are yo-"
foolish tried to speak, terrified as ever.

"its Nightmare now"

Nightmare raised the blade, and in less than a second, in less than a blink of the eye..

pools of blood had formed...

_with the twins_

"how can someone so boring be my twin?!"
"how can someone so ughhh be my twin!?"

the two spoke at once lol.

"fuck you!"x2

"stop copying me bitch!"x2

"I'm not copying you! you are!"x2

both realized how close they were standing to eachother and quickly stepped back. drista sighed and tommy tried to calm himself down.

"so, how did you get here?"
drista asked

"i was patrolling with my partner and friends, came across dream and your brother appeared then he teleported us here.."

"that- is the shittiest explanation ever, and PARTNER!? why would any lady wanna be with you!?"

tommy felt rage taking over him, he crossed his arms and looked at the girl who was literally the same height as him lol.

"for your information! they are a 'he'! and I'm a gem to have as a boyfriend unlike you!"

"so that means my in law is going to be a boy? and I'm going to have no nephews either! this sucks!"

tommy's wings fluffed up at the comment and he blushed a bit at the thought.

"oi! deo is the best and adoption is always an option!"

"mhm sure"

drista suddenly realized something and her eyes sparkled at the thought.

"y-you're a phoenix! how did i not saw that before!? wait does that mean your feathers can slice through anything!? aren't your wings supposed to be huge! can you turn into a bird! OMG! you're a furry!"

"I'm not a furry! wait are you supposed to be a demon!? cool! doesn't that mean you are immune to fire!? wait you can control fire as a demon!"

drista smirked.

"glad you noticed, hey wanna have some fun with our powers?"

"you bet i do!"

the twins went to drista's room first where both took turns in changing into full black skin tight clothes with a face mask.

Now why black and skintight? you may ask?
well cuz the two are going to cause chaos in the city and so no one could recognise them.
and skintight so its easier to move around and less likely to get stuck in something.

_drista pov_

i opened the window and looked at tommy with a smirk, he got up and came in forward

"hold my hand tight so you won't fall, let's have some fun..."

he jumped out the window and before he could crash into the ground, he opened his wings and wow...

those are 2 times the size of foolish's.

"damn it's been so long since i got to open the to their full length!"

_with deo_


tommy approached me, a red energy surrounding him, his eyes glowing red aswell, it almost looked like he wasn't in his body and something else bad taken over.

dream's body layed lifeless in a corner in a pool of blood.

we lost the battle...

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